posthumous birth

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Related to posthumous birth: Posthumous child
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.posthumous birth - birth of a child after the father has died
nascence, nascency, nativity, birth - the event of being born; "they celebrated the birth of their first child"
2.posthumous birth - birth of a child by Caesarean section after the death of the mother
nascence, nascency, nativity, birth - the event of being born; "they celebrated the birth of their first child"
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References in periodicals archive ?
after the death of their fathers ("posthumous birth") can be
Hasana Sharp opens her Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization by listing that philosopher's 'many posthumous births' (1) as atheist, theist, pantheist, rationalist, and so on.
(10) While posthumous births have always occurred, in cases where a husband died from illness, accident, or war before his pregnant wife could deliver their child, (11) advances in reproductive technologies have given birth to a whole new aspect of posthumous reproduction--conception after death of a parent.