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tr.v. pop·u·lat·ed, pop·u·lat·ing, pop·u·lates
1. To supply with inhabitants, as by colonization.
2. To live in; inhabit: creatures that populate the ocean depths.
3. Computers To fill (an empty field or array) with data.
4. Chemistry To fill (an electron shell of an atom) with electrons.

[Medieval Latin populāre, populāt-, from Latin populus, the people; see popular.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.populated - furnished with inhabitants; "the area is well populated"; "forests populated with all kinds of wild life"
inhabited - having inhabitants; lived in; "the inhabited regions of the earth"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈpɒpjʊleɪtɪd] adj [area] → peuplé(e)
a heavily populated area → une région fortement peuplée
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in classic literature ?
"Well, we've got the water, immense subterranean supplies, and in not many years this valley will be populated as thick as Belgium."
The apparition of this grotesque, half-bestial creature had suddenly populated the stillness of the afternoon for me.
With no small difficulty my cabman found the right place, away out toward the ocean beach, in a sparsely populated suburb.
Harvey had a notion that the east coast of his native land, from Mount Desert south, was populated chiefly by people who took their horses there in the summer and entertained in country-houses with hardwood floors and Vantine portieres.
Even in populated India a man cannot a day sit still before the wild things run over him as though he were a rock; and in that wilderness very soon the wild things, who knew Kali's Shrine well, came back to look at the intruder.
Blunt, populated by the agile, bearded beasts with cynical heads, and a little misty figure dark in the sunlight with a halo of dishevelled rust-coloured hair about its head.
The largest island of it alone is visible from Anoroc; but when we neared it we found that it comprised many beautiful islands, and that they were thickly populated. The Luanians had not, of course, been ignorant of all that had been going on in the domains of their nearest and dearest enemies.
An ugly, thickly populated neighborhood, whose area of twinkling lights seemed to reach almost to the murky skies; hideous, indeed by day, not altogether devoid now of a certain weird attractiveness by reason of low-hung stars.
The place did not seem thickly populated. The streets were almost deserted, except in the vicinity of the temple, which they only reached after having traversed several quarters surrounded by palisades.
It is the part of the West Wind's dominions most thickly populated with generations of fine ships and hardy men.
He was like an explorer now who has reasoned that certain natural features must present themselves, and, beating up a broad river, finds here the tributary that he expected, there the fertile, populated plains, and further on the mountains.
This is what makes it evident that a drowning man is less free and more subject to necessity than one standing on dry ground, and that makes the actions of a man closely connected with others in a thickly populated district, or of one bound by family, official, or business duties, seem certainly less free and more subject to necessity than those of a man living in solitude and seclusion.