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Related to popularisation: popularization
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.popularisation - an interpretation that easily understandable and acceptable
interpretation - an explanation that results from interpreting something; "the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence"
2.popularisation - the act of making something attractive to the general public
degradation, debasement - changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
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References in periodicals archive ?
ISLAMABAD -- Institute of Space Technology on Monday inaugurated the third space summer school under the theme of space technology education and popularisation.
She said a local team has been formed under the coordination of Mombasa Kabaddi Rectangle Union to spearhead the popularisation of the game along the coastal strip.
(TAP)- Secretary General of the Astronomical Society of Tunisia, Amjed Mouelhi won Tuesday, in Paris, the Eureka jeune International Award for the promotion of science education and popularisation in Tunisia and around the world.
Speaking on the occasion, the President described it as a momentous occasion as Internet Edition of the dictionary would help students, researchers and others not only in Pakistan but throughout the world, thereby a great leap forward in popularisation of the language at global level.
Popularisation of science is nothing else than an endeavour to image scientific ideas in such a way that everyone, especially nonscientists, can grasp the fundamental concepts and have an idea of what science in essence is.