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Related to populistic: bimetallism, Populist Movement


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) of or relating to populism
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More revealing is the fact that when populistic nationalism is combined with socialism without class analysis, as in some African countries, so that the existence of the capitalistic dynamic is denied, the socio-economic chemistry of stagnation reigns unhindered.
This provoked a wave of dissatisfaction from the Association of Alcohol Producers of Latvia as well, who claimed the proposal to be populistic and hypocritical, suggesting that laws of this type are more related to the upcoming parliament elections rather than designed with good intentions.
Berman recounts the events leading up to the 1990 and 1992 ballot initiatives on the holiday in considerable detail and interprets these events as illustrating "some of the interplay between Arizonans' populistic streak, desire for autonomy, and desire for economic development." Although Berman associates the race issue with Governor Evan Mecham's (R-AZ) repeal of the holiday created by his predecessor, Governor Bruce Babbitt (D-AZ), he does not believe that the race issue played an important role in the defeat of the 1990 ballot initiative.
Why American society should evoke a populistic, egalitarian, even utopian message while apparently marginalizing left politics remains a mystery, but one thing is clear-the history of the political left has always been, and is, larger than the history of left organizations.
His sentiments on socioeconomic issues are populistic, but he does not express his views persuasively.
RIGA, Aug 26 (LETA) - The call for raising the legal drinking age in Latvia to 21 years is a populistic initiative, Davis Vitols, executive director of the Latvian Alcohol Industry Association, told LETA.
The manifestos that the Congress and the BJP have released vied in populistic appeal.
(4) Adjusting the number of population was strictly of moral nature, being thus a populistic universal theory.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Feb 1 (ANI)[BusinessWireIndia]: A populistic Budget with an eye on election.
On the level of straight argument, they often put forward the populistic intelligibility of Islam.