pine straw

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pine straw

Fallen pine needles, often used for mulch.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Open and PGA champion, began with a birdie to quickly take the lead, only to hit out of the pine straw, off a tree and into the creek to make double bogey on the par-5 second hole.
After skirting with the pine straw down the left at the ninth, he delivered a laser approach to within three feet to make the turn one under.
Secondly, the importance of defensible space, that first five feet, how you deal with your mulch, whether you're dealing pine straw or wood, which is the worst answer, or you're dealing with rock, but then you also begin to look at where are the bushes, where are the hedges at, because those can feed the fire.
When it comes to azaleas, these plants love lots of organic matter, compost, leaf mulch, pine straw, or pine bark.
After his drive bounced on a cart path and clattered deep into the trees, coming to rest on leaves and pine straw, Woods was concerned his club would snap against a nearby pine on his follow-through.
Understory vegetation structure was quantified by visibly estimating percent cover of pine straw, hardwood leaf litter, woody vegetation, forbs and vines, wiregrass, and other grass species in each quadrant of the subplot and averaging the quadrants to represent the subplot.
ROUGH DAY Jordan Spieth plays his shot out of the pine straw on the 10th hole
The world No.2 also ran into trouble off the tee, needing to drop in pine straw on Friday after a slice at the par-five 10th.
Avid golfers can recall Mickelson's drive on the 13th hole at Augusta National in the final round of the 2010 Masters that settled on pine straw. Mickelson fired a 6-iron between two trees and the ball landed on the green, setting up a birdie that gave him his third green jacket.
In the end he needed two putts from just inside 10 feet after Rose, coming out of the pine straw off the tee, missed his putt for par.
My wife and I gather bagged pine straw and leaves left at the side of the road for garbage pickup.