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n, pl -mies
(Surgery) surgery a surgical operation to remove the pineal gland
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Assessment of effects of pinealectomy and exogenous melatonin administration on rat sciatic nerve suture repair: an electrophysiological, electron microscopic, and immunohistochemical study.
Effects of pinealectomy and exogenous melatonin on serum leptin levels in male rat.
Comparison of the effect of topical and systemic melatonin administration on delayed wound healing in rats that underwent pinealectomy. Scand J Clin Lab Invest.
Szklarczyk et al., "Pinealectomy aggravates acute pancreatitis in the rat," Pharmacological Reports, vol.
In rats, the reduction of circulating melatonin levels after pinealectomy induces the development of some characteristics of PCOS.
Hyperplasia of the colonic neuroendocrine cells after pinealectomy in rats.
Methods: One hundred and fifty-four normal, male Wistar rats were randomly divided into the following five groups: normal + normal saline (NS), normal + 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), sham pinealectomy (PX) + 6-OHDA, PX + 6-OHDA, and MT + 6-OHDA.
Andreotti et al., "Pinealectomy interferes with the circadian clock genes expression in white adipose tissue," Journal of Pineal Research, vol.
Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation products: effect of pinealectomy or exogenous melatonin injections on biomarkers of tissue damage during acute pancreatitis.
Experimental pinealectomy, a procedure that is easily performed in rats [17], reduced the level of both day-time and nocturnal melatonin [8] and resulted in an enhancement of vascular responsiveness to vasoconstriction stimuli [18], increased blood pressure, and myocardial fibrosis [19].