pine end

pine end

(Architecture) dialect the gable or gable end of a building
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"Thank you," replied the gardener, "But don't forget what it was like when God had it on his own!" Last autumn, a client had also asked me to remove the ivy covering the pine end of her cottage, as it was strangling the satellite dish, and another client wanted his barn wall and roof cleared too.
Although the ecotone had significantly more surface rock (and probably much more subsurface rock) than the lodgepole pine end of the transects, the soil textures were nearly identical.
Screwed to the beams, 6-inch pine end blocks anchor each shelf; a redwood slat between the blocks helps support the glass.
They are also in abundance this year and the tree grows happily high on the side of a mountain, although slightly protected by the stone pine end of an adjacent barn.
# Seasa Katramanos has applied to retain a taxi radio control room and an aerial to the pine end of the old Vaughan's laundry in Llandaff Road.
THE CWMNEOL, CWMAMAN Now the pine end of the row of terraces, this sat at the start of Fforchaman Road.
In recent weeks, I have been collecting more quotes in response to a rather large damp issue in my pine end wall.
"My brother never listened to music his entire life and what few albums he's got I've given to him, but our cousin used to keep a drum kit around our nan's house and, because it's a pine end, Brennig could bash away on it without annoying her neighbours," he says.
It even includes a giant web address along the house's pine end. Owners Condor Properties said it checked with its architects before going ahead with a pounds 3,000 makeover for the house, which is normally used as student accommodation.