physical jerks

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physical jerks

pl n
informal Brit See jerk16
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physical jerks

(fam) physical exercises nplginnastica fsg
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The fatigue was so great that it presently began to make some head against the nervous excitement; while imagining myself wide awake, I would really doze into momentary unconsciousness, and come suddenly out of it with a physical jerk which nearly wrenched my joints apart--the delusion of the instant being that I was tumbling backward over a precipice.
It was the start of the home exercise video trend but none of the models, actresses and TV presenters who followed could quite live up to Jane in a belted, striped leotard doing alarming physical jerks to heavy synthesiser music.
Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg has been the subject of much mirth this week after revealing a gruelling daily routine that mixes the spiritual discipline of a trappist monk with the physical jerks of an Olympic athlete.
When enquiring how Hanks kept himself fit, the movie great suggested he had no real interest in physical jerks.
There's no need to embark on extreme physical jerks just because you've consumed your own weight in brandy butter, Doritos and Bailey's over the past fortnight.
The programme's promised "thrilling choreography" never materialises; and although there are some physical jerks from the cadets of the ensemble, I could have done with more sword fighting.
You don't want to be too vain but if you can make your partner sizzle with passion by just looking at you, all those push-ups, physical jerks and workouts will have been worth it.
The year I was a contestant, everyone was just really gagging for it" Alesha Dixon, a judge on Strictly Come Dancing "As pale and wispy as the breath of an elderly monk doing physical jerks in the cloisters before Christmas lunch" Boris Johnson describing the exhaust on his 16-year-old car "Celebrities are, by and large, nutcases" Broadcaster Chris Evans
* LOCAL street dance groups, break dance groups and professional break dance crew Physical Jerks perform at Barry Island on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
(TmcHUD151208-KE08304) TRAINING: Captain Len Quested, Willie Davie, Don McEvoy and Bill McGarry are doing physical jerks while Jimmy Watson operates the punch ball and Ron Staniforth trains on the rowing machine.
This is another deco delight, so immaculately retro you almost expect to see Charles Atlas per forming physical jerks for the gaping crowds.

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