Physical Stature

Physical Stature


dandiprat A dwarf, midget, or pygmy. This archaic word was originally the name of a three halfpence coin issued in 16th-century England. It took on its present meaning when Richard Stanyhurst referred to Cupid as a dandiprat in his 1582 translation of the Aeneid.

go-by-ground A very tiny person, a homunculus, a Lilliputian. This obsolete expression is obviously derived from the little distance between the earth’s surface and a small person’s head.

I had need have two eyes, to discern so petit a go-by-ground as you. (Copley’s Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 1614)

hop-o’-my-thumb A diminutive person, a midget or pygmy; a mean, small, contemptible person, fit only to be ordered about and looked down upon. In early usage the term was primarily one of contempt; but, perhaps through confusion with Tom Thumb, it has become increasingly descriptive and less offensive, indicative of small stature rather than lowly status.

knee-high to a grasshopper Very short or small, especially because of a young age. This popular American expression and its many variants are jocular extensions of the simpler term knee-high, in use about 70 years before the earliest extended variant.

You pretend to be my daddies; some of you who are not knee-high to a grasshopper! (The Democratic Review, 1851)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"People were always saying about my lack of height, my physical stature, that I wouldn't make it.
"I was released on two occasions by Atletico Mineiro and people were always saying about my height, about my physical stature, that I wouldn't make it.
Just his physical stature and frame offer us a lot."
shown by may lead believe he captain hands Fay During a heated battle against Tottenham in the warmth of Shanghai the Academy graduate showcased his growing physical stature too.
ENPNewswire-July 29, 2019--Universitat AutOnoma de Barcelona: Physical stature and education level of diabetic Nigerian women could serve to identify those at risk of dementia in Nigeria
Aside from their surname and physical stature, the comparisons between the Fjortofts are few.
In an introduction to his book Tower of Transformational Leadership, we are told that in physical stature, academic achievements and leadership acumen, the book's author, Prof George Magoha, is a towering figure who continues to bestride the medical profession and corporate leadership like a colossus.
Against Scotland in June, we saw the impressive changes that have been instilled, noticeably with the physical stature and fielding abilities of Pakistan's players.
'Against Scotland in June, we saw the impressive chanAges that have been instilled, noticeably with the physical stature and fielding abilities of Pakistan's players.
The newly-appointed fielding coach said that he saw the impressive changes instilled by Coach Mickey Arthur in the Pakistan team, noticeably with the physical stature and fielding abilities of Pakistan's players.
Having netted 10 goals in all competitions for the Baggies last season, there's certainly a sense that he could produce the goods in the top flight, while his physical stature means he certainly fits the bill for what many would deem a 'Warnock player'.
It's not just his physical stature, but his stature with what he has done in the game and what he has done for this club.

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