physical condition

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Noun1.physical condition - the condition or state of the body or bodily functions
wakefulness - a periodic state during which you are conscious and aware of the world; "consciousness during wakefulness in a sane person is pretty well ordered and familiar"
condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
bloodiness - the state of being bloody
incompatibility - (immunology) the degree to which the body's immune system will try to reject foreign material (as transfused blood or transplanted tissue)
acathexia - an inability to retain bodily secretions
angiotelectasia - dilation and enlargement of arterioles
torpidity, torpor - a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility; "he fell into a deep torpor"
agalactia, agalactosis - a condition in which milk is not secreted in the mother's breasts after her child has been delivered
anaesthesia, anesthesia - loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness
anhidrosis, anhydrosis - failure of the sweat glands
arousal - a state of heightened physiological activity
sleep, slumber - a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"
sopor, sleep - a torpid state resembling deep sleep
drive - a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
elastosis - breakdown of elastic tissue (as the loss of elasticity in the skin of elderly people that results from degeneration of connective tissue)
flatulence, flatulency, gas - a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal
flection, flexion, flexure - the state of being flexed (as of a joint)
estrus, oestrus, rut, heat - applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity
anestrum, anestrus, anoestrum, anoestrus - applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or interval of sexual inactivity between two periods of estrus
hypercapnia, hypercarbia - the physical condition of having the presence of an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide in the circulating blood
acapnia, hypocapnia - a state in which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal; can result from deep or rapid breathing
asphyxia - a condition in which insufficient or no oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged on a ventilatory basis; caused by choking or drowning or electric shock or poison gas
oxygen debt - a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise; the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
hyperthermia, hyperthermy - abnormally high body temperature; sometimes induced (as in treating some forms of cancer)
normothermia - normal body temperature
hypothermia - subnormal body temperature
muscularity - the physiological state of having or consisting of muscle
myasthenia - any muscular weakness
infertility, sterility - the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate
false pregnancy, pseudocyesis - physiological state in which a woman exhibits symptoms of pregnancy but is not pregnant
maternity, pregnancy, gestation - the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
rigor mortis - temporary stiffness of joints and muscular rigidity occurring after death
vitalisation, vitalization - the state of being vitalized and filled with life
good health, healthiness - the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease
fecundity, fertility - the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring
potence, potency - the state of being potent; a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse
pathological state - a physical condition that is caused by disease
disorder, upset - a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"
cellularity - the state of having cells
addiction, dependance, habituation, dependence, dependency - being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)
suspended animation - a temporary cessation of vital functions with loss of consciousness resembling death; usually resulting from asphyxia
cryptobiosis - a state in which an animal's metabolic activities come to a reversible standstill
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Pierre's physical condition, as is always the case, corresponded to his mental state.
All of which was splendid training for Michael, keeping him in the tiptop of physical condition and mental wholesomeness.
Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know now that even in its equatorial region the midday temperature barely approaches that of our coldest winter.
He showed in the pink of health; his unblemished, smooth-shaven skin shouted advertisement of his splendid physical condition. In the face of that perfect skin, his very fatness and mature, rotund paunch could be nothing other than normal.
After the hundred days of hard toil and absolute abstinence, in the pink of physical condition, bulging with health, over-spilling with spirits that had long been pent by discipline and circumstance, of course we would have a drink or two.
He was twenty pounds lighter, but in splendid physical condition. He had kept up exercise during the whole period of confinement, and his muscles were like iron.
It being the winter vacation at his college, Eustace was allowing himself a little relaxation, in the hope, he told me, of repairing the inroads which severe application to study had made upon his health; and I was happy to conclude, from the excellent physical condition in which I saw him, that the remedy had already been attended with very desirable success.
The author of the 'Vestiges of Creation' would, I presume, say that, after a certain unknown number of generations, some bird had given birth to a woodpecker, and some plant to the misseltoe, and that these had been produced perfect as we now see them; but this assumption seems to me to be no explanation, for it leaves the case of the coadaptations of organic beings to each other and to their physical conditions of life, untouched and unexplained.
The proof that her behavior and Agafea Mihalovna's was not instinctive, animal, irrational, was that apart from the physical treatment, the relief of suffering, both Agafea Mihalovna and Kitty required for the dying man something else more important than the physical treatment, and something which had nothing in common with physical conditions. Agafea Mihalovna, speaking of the man just dead, had said: "Well, thank God, he took the sacrament and received absolution; God grant each one of us such a death." Katya in just the same way, besides all her care about linen, bedsores, drink, found time the very first day to persuade the sick man of the necessity of taking the sacrament and receiving absolution.
Morley has dwelt strongly on the circumstance of Wordsworth's remarkable personal happiness, as having had much to do with the physiognomy of his poetic creation--a calm, irresistible, well-being--almost mystic in character, and yet doubtless [93] connected with physical conditions. Long ago De Quincey noted it as a strongly determinant fact in Wordsworth's literary career, pointing, at the same time, to his remarkable good luck also, on the material side of life.
Laborers in factories and mines and on farms were largely in a state of virtual though not nominal slavery, living, many of them, in unspeakable moral and physical conditions. Little by little improvement came, partly by the passage of laws, partly by the growth of trades-unions.
"The other guys are in their fourth week and are starting to get near good physical condition."

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