Physical point

an indefinitely small portion of matter; a point conceived as being without extension, yet having physical properties, as weight, inertia, momentum, etc.; a material point.

See also: Physical

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
heidelpay facilitates payment acceptance on behalf of merchants across various payment methods for e-commerce, m-commerce and at the physical point of sale.
"From the physical point of view, it was very important for the lads.
"From the physical point of view, today was very important for the lads.
"The Sand Banks staff have told me how good it is from physical point of view for the residents to play things such balloon tennis and take part in action songs.
From a physical point of view there is still a bit of healing to do as well.
"I had to get used to it, because the Premier League demands more from a physical point of view than other leagues," Schar - who was knocked out while representing his country against Georgia on Saturday evening, but was deemed fit enough to continue - told Swiss TV station SRF during an appearance on their weekly magazine show.
That would be from a physical point of view but not from a skill point of view," he said.
"Joey is a strong and physical point guard that has put in a ton of hours working on his game," McCarty said.