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Noun1.abnormalcy - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficienciesabnormalcy - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies
acardia - congenital absence of the heart (as in the development of some monsters)
acephalia, acephalism, acephaly - absence of the head (as in the development of some monsters)
acorea - absence of the pupil in an eye
acromicria, acromikria - abnormally small extremities (underdeveloped fingers and toes)
acromphalus - abnormal protrusion of the navel; sometimes the start of umbilical hernia
amastia - absence of the mammary glands (either through surgery or developmental defect)
aneuploidy - an abnormality involving a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number (one chromosome set is incomplete)
anorchia, anorchidism, anorchism - absence of one of both testes
physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state - the condition or state of the body or bodily functions
asynclitism, obliquity - the presentation during labor of the head of the fetus at an abnormal angle
atresia - an abnormal condition in which a normal opening or tube in the body (as the urethra) is closed or absent
brachydactylia, brachydactyly - abnormal shortness of fingers and toes
cryptorchidism, cryptorchidy, cryptorchism - failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops
deviated septum - abnormal displacement of any wall that separates two chambers (usually in the nasal cavity)
dextrocardia - abnormal condition where the heart is located toward the right side of the chest
ectrodactyly - congenital abnormality involving the absence of some fingers or toes
erethism - an abnormally high degree of irritability or sensitivity to stimulation of an organ or body part
fetal distress, foetal distress - an abnormal condition of a fetus; usually discovered during pregnancy and characterized by an abnormal heart rhythm
hepatomegaly, megalohepatia - abnormal enlargement of the liver
inversion - abnormal condition in which an organ is turned inward or inside out (as when the upper part of the uterus is pulled into the cervical canal after childbirth)
heterotaxy, transposition - any abnormal position of the organs of the body
pneumothorax - abnormal presence of air in the pleural cavity resulting in the collapse of the lung; may be spontaneous (due to injury to the chest) or induced (as a treatment for tuberculosis)
macrencephaly - an abnormally large braincase
hydatid mole, hydatidiform mole, molar pregnancy - an abnormality during pregnancy; chorionic villi around the fetus degenerate and form clusters of fluid-filled sacs; usually associated with the death of the fetus
hydramnios - an abnormality of pregnancy; accumulation of excess amniotic fluid
hypervitaminosis - an abnormal condition resulting from taking vitamins excessively; can be serious for vitamins A or D or K
hypospadias - an abnormal condition in males in which the urethra opens on the under surface of the penis
lagophthalmos - abnormal condition in which an eye cannot close completely
mental abnormality - any abnormality of mental function
nanophthalmos - condition in which both eyes are abnormally small but otherwise normal
palmature - an abnormality in which the fingers are webbed
dysplasia - abnormal development (of organs or cells) or an abnormal structure resulting from such growth
hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly - an abnormal condition in which cerebrospinal fluid collects in the ventricles of the brain; in infants it can cause abnormally rapid growth of the head and bulging fontanelles and a small face; in adults the symptoms are primarily neurological
abrachia - the condition of having no arms
progeria - a rare abnormality marked by premature aging (grey hair and wrinkled skin and stooped posture) in a child
atypicality, untypicality - any state that is not typical
arrested development, fixation, infantile fixation, regression - an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely
aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, deviance - a state or condition markedly different from the norm
cyclopia - a developmental abnormality in which there is only one eye
spinal curvature - an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column
subnormality - the state of being less than normal (especially with respect to intelligence)
anomalousness, anomaly - deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
gynecomastia - excessive development of the breasts in males; usually the result of hormonal imbalance or treatment with certain drugs (including some antihypertensives)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Nepenthe theory is adamant that overall this is not good coping, but abnormalcy en masse.
So much of the Mindanao countryside is presently in a state of abnormalcy. We must encourage building spaces of normalcy for its people.
As Beth Ribet has noted, "the construct of White normalcy is synonymous with ability, and the constructions of People of Color are correspondingly synonymous with abnormalcy, dangerous, deviance or (infectious) moral sickness, damaged or less worthy or inferior bodies, less capable or intelligent minds--all of which bleed into the construction of disability." (51)
The dramatic effects in Lucien are derived largely from this juxtaposition of an alieniste parent--he is a great scholar and the director of the psychiatric hospital at Villejuif--and a son tainted by his sexual abnormalcy. But the pathologizing discourse of the father is constantly offset by the more human reactions of his son Lucien.
Because this last scale appears to index abnormalcy exceeding ordinary psychological misorientation, it is excluded from our analyses.
A third reading of this prevalent tendency can be a subversive objection to the culturally received meta-narrative that equates homosexuality with abnormalcy. The interviewees thus present their childhood as normal because they wish to banish the idea that all gay men had miserable lives.
While I keep this historical material in mind, I restrict my attention to the discursive reality of the two In Unison documents in order to demonstrate how the government's solution to the problem of disability is manufacturing disability as an organic and individual condition of abnormalcy which, according to these documents, results in a lack of participatory citizenship and employment for "persons with disabilities." I conclude by showing how this formulation of the problem of disability continues to ground current practices of exclusion of disabled people while simultaneously manufacturing some (few) disabled persons as the "abled disabled" who are to serve as an inspiration to the Canadian citizenry.
One (heterosexual) woman explained to me that although none of her boyfriends had ever remarked on her labia, "ever since I was fourteen, I felt like I had this abnormalcy; I felt uncomfortable changing in front of girlfriends." She went on to say that she felt she had to hide her vagina around other women and could never enjoy skinny-dipping because of her concerns about other women judging her appearance.
The first issue that needs to be addressed, if the integration of students with disabilities into regular schools and into society is to succeed, is related to the concept of "normalcy" and "abnormalcy." Individual differences have to be viewed as an inherent component of the human race.