
Also found in: Medical, Wikipedia.
Related to parkin: Parkinson's disease


(ˈpɑːkɪn) or


(Cookery) (in Britain and New Zealand) a moist spicy ginger cake usually containing oatmeal
[C19: of unknown origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If you can prove that his grapnel removed any portion of your roof, you had better rest your case on decoverture of domicile (see Parkins v.
"Parkins told them so, your ladyship," the girl answered; "but they insisted that the matter was important.
``Dead, however, he was, or else translated,'' said the younger peasant; ``for I heard the Monks of Saint Edmund's singing the death's hymn for him; and, moreover, there was a rich death-meal and dole at the Castle of Coningsburgh, as right was; and thither had I gone, but for Mabel Parkins, who ''
San Jose, CA, May 09, 2019 --( A panel of PINK1 and Parkin antibodies was developed at Abbomax to investigate Parkinson's disease.
David Parkin went into a local shop with his hood up, wearing blue latex gloves and brandishing an imitation firearm.
Police allegedly found narcotics including crystal meth and sex drug GBL at Alexander Parkin's flat.
ABRACE from Jon Parkin saw Newport County twice come from behind to earn a point at home to Cheltenham Town.
Nathan Parkin was 20 when he used Facebook, Whatsapp and Snapchat to groom the 14-year-old without her family's knowledge.
Rifle-toting Adam Parkin and his pals Kieran McIntyre and Liam Scott left four schoolboys on a camping trip "in fear for their lives", a sheriff said yesterday.