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Related to cake: CCLE


1. A sweet baked food made of flour, liquid, eggs, and other ingredients, such as raising agents and flavorings.
2. A flat rounded mass of dough or batter, such as a pancake, that is baked or fried.
3. A flat rounded mass of hashed or chopped food that is baked or fried; a patty.
4. A shaped or molded piece, as of soap or ice.
5. A layer or deposit of compacted matter: a cake of grime in the oven.
v. caked, cak·ing, cakes
To cover or fill with a thick layer, as of compacted matter: a miner whose face was caked with soot.
To become formed into a compact or crusty mass: As temperatures dropped, the wet snow caked.

[Middle English, from Old Norse kaka.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Cookery) a baked food, usually in loaf or layer form, typically made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and eggs
2. (Cookery) a flat thin mass of bread, esp unleavened bread
3. (Cookery) a shaped mass of dough or other food of similar consistency: a fish cake.
4. a mass, slab, or crust of a solidified or compressed substance, as of soap or ice
5. have one's cake and eat it to enjoy both of two desirable but incompatible alternatives
6. go like hot cakes sell like hot cakes informal to be sold very quickly or in large quantities
7. a piece of cake informal something that is easily achieved or obtained
8. take the cake informal chiefly US to surpass all others, esp in stupidity, folly, etc
9. informal the whole or total of something that is to be shared or divided: the miners are demanding a larger slice of the cake; that is a fair method of sharing the cake.
10. (tr) to cover with a hard layer; encrust: the hull was caked with salt.
11. to form or be formed into a hardened mass
[C13: from Old Norse kaka; related to Danish kage, German Kuchen]
ˈcakey, ˈcaky adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. caked, cak•ing. n.
1. a sweet, baked, breadlike food, usu. containing flour, sugar, eggs, and flavoring and often shortening and baking powder or soda.
2. a flat, thin mass of bread, esp. unleavened bread.
3. a pancake; griddlecake.
4. a shaped or molded mass of other food: a fish cake.
5. a shaped or compressed mass: a cake of soap.
v.t., v.i.
6. to form into a crust or compact mass.
1. piece of cake, something that can be done easily.
2. take the cake, to win the hypothetical prize.
[1200–50; Middle English < Old Norse kaka; akin to Middle English kechel little cake, German Kuchen]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- A Viking contribution, from Old Norse kaka, it is related to "cook"; cake first meant small, flat bread roll baked on both sides by being turned—as in pancake or potato cake.
See also related terms for pancake.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a mass of matter moulded into a solid shape; used figuratively.
Examples: cake of customs, 1872; of dynamite, 1884; of ice; of laws and customs, 1879; of paint; of soap; of tobacco; of wax, 1528.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: caked
Gerund: caking

I cake
you cake
he/she/it cakes
we cake
you cake
they cake
I caked
you caked
he/she/it caked
we caked
you caked
they caked
Present Continuous
I am caking
you are caking
he/she/it is caking
we are caking
you are caking
they are caking
Present Perfect
I have caked
you have caked
he/she/it has caked
we have caked
you have caked
they have caked
Past Continuous
I was caking
you were caking
he/she/it was caking
we were caking
you were caking
they were caking
Past Perfect
I had caked
you had caked
he/she/it had caked
we had caked
you had caked
they had caked
I will cake
you will cake
he/she/it will cake
we will cake
you will cake
they will cake
Future Perfect
I will have caked
you will have caked
he/she/it will have caked
we will have caked
you will have caked
they will have caked
Future Continuous
I will be caking
you will be caking
he/she/it will be caking
we will be caking
you will be caking
they will be caking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been caking
you have been caking
he/she/it has been caking
we have been caking
you have been caking
they have been caking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been caking
you will have been caking
he/she/it will have been caking
we will have been caking
you will have been caking
they will have been caking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been caking
you had been caking
he/she/it had been caking
we had been caking
you had been caking
they had been caking
I would cake
you would cake
he/she/it would cake
we would cake
you would cake
they would cake
Past Conditional
I would have caked
you would have caked
he/she/it would have caked
we would have caked
you would have caked
they would have caked
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cake - a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)cake - a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax); "a bar of chocolate"
block - a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"
tablet - a small flat compressed cake of some substance; "a tablet of soap"
2.cake - small flat mass of chopped foodcake - small flat mass of chopped food  
dish - a particular item of prepared food; "she prepared a special dish for dinner"
fish cake, fish ball - a fried ball or patty of flaked fish and mashed potatoes
3.cake - baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fatcake - baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat
baked goods - foods (like breads and cakes and pastries) that are cooked in an oven
applesauce cake - moist spicy cake containing applesauce
baba - a small cake leavened with yeast
birthday cake - decorated cake served at a birthday party
cheesecake - made with sweetened cream cheese and eggs and cream baked in a crumb crust
chiffon cake - very light cake
chocolate cake - cake containing chocolate
coconut cake - cake containing shredded coconut in batter and frosting
coffee cake, coffeecake - a cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee
crumb cake - cake or coffeecake topped with a mixture of sugar and butter and flour
crumpet - a thick soft cake with a porous texture; cooked on a griddle
cupcake - small cake baked in a muffin tin
Eccles cake - a flat round cake of sweetened pastry filled with dried fruit
fruitcake - a rich cake containing dried fruit and nuts and citrus peel and so on
gateau - any of various rich and elaborate cakes
sponge cake - a light porous cake made with eggs and flour and sugar without shortening
bridecake, wedding cake - a rich cake with two or more tiers and covered with frosting and decorations; served at a wedding reception
white cake - cake made without egg yolks
spice cake - cake flavored with spices
gingerbread - cake flavored with ginger
pound cake - rich loaf cake made of a pound each of butter and sugar and flour
layer cake - cake having layers held together by a sweet filling and usually covered with frosting
torte - rich cake usually covered with cream and fruit or nuts; originated in Austria
petit four - small (individual) frosted and ornamented cake
prune cake - moist cake containing prunes that have been made into a puree
jumbal, jumble - small flat ring-shaped cake or cookie
savarin - a sponge cake baked in a ring mold
Boston cream pie - layer cake filled with custard
skillet cake, upside-down cake - batter baked atop a layer of sweetened fruit then turned upside down so fruit is on top
honey cake - a spicy cake partially sweetened with honey
marble cake - made of light and dark batter very lightly blended
genoise - rich and delicate Italian sponge cake
seed cake, seedcake - a sweet cake flavored with sesame or caraway seeds and lemon
teacake - any of various small cakes or cookies often served with tea
cookie, cooky, biscuit - any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)
friedcake - small cake in the form of a ring or twist or ball or strip fried in deep fat
battercake, flannel cake, flannel-cake, flapcake, flapjack, hot cake, hotcake, pancake, griddlecake - a flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle
waffle - pancake batter baked in a waffle iron
rock cake - a small cake with a hard surface said to resemble a rock
Victoria sandwich, Victoria sponge - a cake consisting of two layers of sponge cake with a jelly filling in between
Verb1.cake - form a coat overcake - form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
spread over, cover - form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. gateau Would you like some chocolate cake?
2. block, bar, slab, lump, cube, loaf, mass He bought a cake of soap.
1. solidify, dry, consolidate, harden, thicken, congeal, coagulate, ossify, encrust The blood had begun to cake and turn brown.
2. cover, coat, plaster, smear, spread Her hair was caked with mud.

Cakes and pastries

almond cake, angel cake or angel food cake, Bakewell tart, baklava, Banbury cake, Battenburg cake, black bun, Black forest gateau, brownie, carrot cake, cherry cake, chocolate cake, Christmas cake, coconut cake, coffee kiss, cream cake, cream puff, cruller or kruller (U.S. & Canad.), crumpet, cupcake, Danish pastry, devil's food cake, doughnut or donut, drop scone or pancake (Scot.), dumpling, Dundee cake, Eccles cake, eclair, fairy cake, flapjack, frangipane, French pastry, fruitcake, fudge cake, gateau, Genoa cake, Genoese sponge, gingerbread, hot cross bun, johnny cake (Austral.), jumble or jumbal, koeksister (S. Afr.), kuchen, kuglehopf, ladyfinger or sponge finger, lamington (Austral. & N.Z.), lardy cake, layer cake, Linzer torte, Madeira cake, madeleine, marble cake, meringue, millefeuille, mince pie, muffin, pancake, pandowdy, panettone, parkin, petit four, pound cake, profiterole, queencake, rock cake, rum baba, Sally Lunn, sandwich cake, scone, seedcake, Selkirk bannock, simnel cake, singing hinny, sponge cake, stollen, swiss roll, tart, teabread, teacake, tipsy cake, torte, turnover, upside-down cake, Victoria sponge, wedding cake, yumyum (Scot.)
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


To make or become physically hard:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
قالَب صابونقُرْصكَعْككَعْكَهيَكْسو
kagestykkesjaske tilbøffrikadelle
bánhbánh ngọt


A. N
1. (large) → tarta f, pastel m, torta f (LAm); (small) → pastel m, queque m (LAm); (sponge, plain) → bizcocho m, pan m dulce
the way the national cake is divided (fig) → la forma en que está repartida la tarta or está repartido el pastel nacional
it's a piece of cakees pan comido, está tirado
to go or sell like hot cakesvenderse como rosquillas
to have one's cake and eat it he wants to have his cake and eat itquiere nadar y guardar la ropa
that takes the cake!¡es el colmo!
2. (= bar) [of chocolate] → barra f; [of soap] → pastilla f
B. VT caked with mudembarrado, cubierto de barro seco
C. VI [blood] → coagularse; [mud] → endurecerse
D. CPD cake mix Npolvos mpl para hacer pasteles
cake shop Npastelería f
cake tin N (for baking) → molde m para pastel; (for storing) → caja f de pastel
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈkeɪk] n
(large)gâteau m; (small)pâtisserie f
it's a piece of cake (= easy) → c'est un jeu d'enfant
he wants to have his cake and eat it, he wants to have his cake and eat it too → il veut avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre
to sell like hot cakes → se vendre comme des petits pains
to take the cake (US)être le bouquet, être le comble
cake of soap → savonnette f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Kuchen m; (= gateau)Torte f; (= bun, individual cake)Gebäckstück nt, → Teilchen nt (dial); cakes and pastriesGebäck nt; a piece of cake (fig inf)ein Kinderspiel nt, → ein Klacks m (inf); he/that takes the cake (inf)das ist das Schärfste (inf); (negatively also) → das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus; to sell like hot cakesweggehen wie warme Semmeln (inf); you can’t have your cake and eat it (prov) → beides auf einmal geht nicht; he wants to have his cake and eat it (prov) → er will das eine, ohne das andere zu lassen
(of soap)Stück nt, → Riegel m; (of chocolate)Tafel f
vtdick einschmieren; my shoes are caked with or in mudmeine Schuhe sind völlig verdreckt or dreckverkrustet
vifesttrocknen, eine Kruste bilden


cake mix
nBackmischung f
cake mixture
nKuchenteig m
cake pan
n (US) → Kuchenform f
cake shop
nKonditorei f
cake tin
n (Brit, for baking) → Kuchenform f; (for storage) → Kuchenbüchse f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (large) → torta; (small) → pasticcino
piece of cake → fetta di torta
it's a piece of cake (fam) → è una cosa facile or da nulla
driving is a piece of cake → non ci vuole niente a guidare
to sell like hot cakes (fam) → andare a ruba
he wants to have his cake and eat it (fig) → vuole la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca
b. (of wax) → tavoletta
cake of soap → saponetta
2. vt to cake (with)incrostare (di)
3. vi (blood) → raggrumarsi; (mud) → incrostarsi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(keik) noun
1. a food made by baking a mixture of flour, fat, eggs, sugar etc. a piece of cake; a plate of cream cakes; a Christmas cake.
2. a piece of other food pressed into shape. fishcakes; oatcakes.
3. a flattened hard mass. a cake of soap.
to cover in the form of a dried mass. His shoes were caked with mud.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كَعْك dort kage Kuchen τούρτα pastel, tarta kakku gâteau kolač torta ケーキ 케이크 cake kake ciasto bolo пирожное tårta ขนมเค้ก kek bánh ngọt 蛋糕
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
One day her mother said to her: 'Come, Little Red-Cap, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; take them to your grandmother, she is ill and weak, and they will do her good.
Haigha took a large cake out of the bag, and gave it to Alice to hold, while he got out a dish and carving-knife.
Aaron shrank back a little, and rubbed his head against his mother's shoulder, but still thought the piece of cake worth the risk of putting his hand out for it.
"You just picked the right evening to visit me," he said, producing a cake from his cupboard.
Missis let Sally try to make some cake, t' other day, jes to larn her, she said.
Polly knew this, felt that his society would not be a great affliction to herself at least, and whispering to Maud, "He won't know," she added, aloud, "Come in if you like, and stir this cake for me; it needs a strong hand, and mine are tired.
A MEMBER of the Kansas Legislature meeting a Cake of Soap was passing it by without recognition, but the Cake of Soap insisted on stopping and shaking hands.
Clara Belle was rather a successful agent, but Susan, who could only say "thoap," never made large returns, and the twins, who were somewhat young to be thoroughly trustworthy, could be given only a half dozen cakes at a time, and were obliged to carry with them on their business trips a brief document stating the price per cake, dozen, and box.
This Nome was not unlike the others that Dorothy had seen, but he wore a heavy gold chain around his neck to show that he was the Chief Steward of the Nome King, and he assumed an air of much importance, and even told his majesty not to eat too much cake late at night, or he would be ill.
If you had been good and had gone back to your office, I would have brought you down some cake and cocoa.'
"We had cold tongue and chicken and strawberry preserves, lemon pie and tarts and chocolate cake and raisin cookies and pound cake and fruit cake -- and a few other things, including more pie -- caramel pie, I think it was.
The provincial held by the hand a big boy, who held in his a large, flat cake.