Parker Bowles

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Parker Bowles

(ˈpaːkə bəulz)
(Biography) Camilla (née Shand). born 1947, became the second wife of Prince Charles in 2005; created Duchess of Cornwall and Duchess of Rothesay
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She and Andrew Parker Bowles, a former Silver Stickin-Waiting to the Queen, divorced in 1995 and Camilla became a regular visitor to the Prince's Gloucestershire home, Highgrove.
WHEN Diana, the late Princess of Wales, was famously said to have referred to Camilla Parker Bowles as ``The Rottweiler'', it uncovered years of animosity.
The Prince of Wales's companion Camilla Parker Bowles came to the rescue when the couple were asked to buy raffle tickets while visiting a flower show yesterday.
CAMILLA Parker Bowles (above) made the briefest of public appearances alongside the Prince of Wales on an official engagement on Friday.
Diana, the Princess of Wales, had publicly accused him of adultery, and his secret lover, Camilla Parker Bowles, was a hate figure.
A group of young women who are believed to be among William's guests at Sandringham joined the Prince of Wales and companion Camilla Parker Bowles for the 11am service at St Mary's church.
CAMILLA Parker Bowles yesterday opened her heart to an international conference - to tell of her mother's agonising death from the crippling bone disease osteoporosis.
ROYAL mistress Camilla Parker Bowles is staying at Princess Diana's favourite hotel in New York.
Parker Bowles is joining the board of Arena Leisure, while Gillespie has a busy role as managing director at Cheltenham.
In the eyes of the world Camilla Parker Bowles will always be known as the woman who wrecked the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales.
( READ: Camilla Parker Bowles Ended Feud With Prince William, Prince Harry For This Reason
First minister Rhodri Morgan said: ``I am very happy for the Prince of Wales and Mrs Parker Bowles and I would like to wish them well in their marriage.