parking disc

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parking disc

(Automotive Engineering) See disc7a
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And Christine Calder added: "Have just been reading it and under exemptions to displaying a parking disc with specifically a DG1 logo on it.
The Sunlounger Timer device works like a parking disc, registering when the bed is in use.
He said: "North Tynesideshould introduce the same idea as parts Northumberland, where you pay one pound for a parking disc and you can use it as often as possible.
Why do they not adopt the free parking disc allowing one and a half hours free parking within the town centre at any time.
My own car was parked well out of the way, on double yellow lines but as I have a disabled parking disc, due to the fact that I am unable to walk any distance, I am allowed to do so.
A survey revealed that the 20 most common items carried are pens, coins, a torch, road atlas, parking disc, sunglasses, wallet, paper tissues, a mobile phone, CDs, MP3 players, cups, magazines, newspapers, fruit, a first aid kit, jacket, drinks bottle and gloves.
This leather wallet has been designed exclusively for your Blue Badge and parking disc. Finished in quality leather your documents will fit neatly into the two acetate covered wallet sections keeping them both In pristine condition.
Not only did he find the parking disc, he also found my wedding ring.
One would be placed outside of Barnacle's Fish and Chip shop with another at the opposite end of the street, where the parking disc zone begins.
Council chiefs prosecuted Lisa Ravenscroft after discovering she had used her dad's disabled parking disc less than two years after he died of lung cancer.
The council asked for documentation to be produced for checking - a current driving licence, including previous parking disc and current vehicle documentation.