
Also found in: Legal.


(Law) obsolete a pact
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Sitaru, 2008, p.630): a) they may submit their contract to a foreign legal system, through a clause of selection of applicable law (pactum de lege utenda); b) they may choose arbitration in equity as a way of settling their dispute, situation in which the arbitrators have the option to remove the effects of the limitation period; c) they may waive the effects of the limitation period, either expressly or impliedly; in this regard it has been decided in the arbitral practice that the party which has voluntarily paid the requested amount, although by the counterclaim it was requested to reject the arbitral action against him as barred, is considered to have waived the defence of limitation impliedly (Award of the Arbitral Court of Bucharest, no.
This enzyme has been produced by fungi, including the species of Penicillium (12) Aspergillus, Onygena, Absidia and Rhizomucor (6), Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Metarrhizium anisopliae, Neurospora tetrasperma and Westerdikella dispersa (7), a few actinomycete such as Streptomyces pactum, S.
Thus, the general will would mean this: "Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and, in our corporate capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole".129 While Hobbes was instrumental in breaking the pactum societatis [social compact in civil society] and subordinated the people to the state,130 Rousseau repudiated the pactum subjectionis131 [act of submission to authority].
(15) Auf diese Weise wird es zu einem "Bund von besonderer Art" (16) kommen, den man den "Friedensbund (foedus pacificum) nennen kann, der vom Friedensvertrag (pactum pacis) darin unterschieden seyn wurde, dass dieser bloss einen Krieg, jener aber alle Kriege auf immer zu endigen suchte".