
Also found in: Legal.
Related to paction: patience, Patients


an agreement or bargain
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Afin de realiser son mandat de faciliter l'accessibilite des sans-abri aux services sociosanitaires (McKeown et Plante 2000), cette equipe, une pionniere de Paction publique quebecoise en itinerance (Roy 2009), tisse des partenariats peu formalises avec des organismes publics et communautaires pendant ses interventions (McKeown et Plante 2000).
Le rituel qui gouverne Paction liturgique et qui definit les relations dynamiques entre les personnes dans le corps ecclesial est analogue a la procedure appelee a regir Passemblee synodale et a definir le rapport d'interdependance entre le caput et le corpus dans Passemblee synodale ou conciliaire.
It is true, in the Case of human Laws and Constitutions a Legislator may be constituted by the Persons, who are to be afterwards (i) obliged by that authority that he himself either wholly, or at least as one of j Community transfers to that Person, as these (k) Persons to whom this Nomothetical Power is thus Transacted; (l) And therefore if we should supose the new erection either of a (m) Kingly or Aristocratical or Democratical Government, by the paction n or stipulation of any Society or Community of Men; by this paction if I am one of that Community I do together with the rest transfer to this Government a Power to oblige me by the Laws which such o Governors shall make.
Le gouvernement Harper n'a jamais presente de politique etrangere pour orienter Paction internationale du Canada.