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Noun1.packrat - a collector of miscellaneous useless objectspackrat - a collector of miscellaneous useless objects
aggregator, collector - a person who collects things
2.packrat - any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North Americapackrat - any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
wood rat, wood-rat - any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur grey above and white below with furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
dusky-footed woodrat, Neotoma fuscipes - host to Lyme disease tick (Ixodes pacificus) in northern California
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References in periodicals archive ?
Featuring a battle of wits between hungry Coyote and the small-but-chatty Woodrat the Packrat, the two meet up under the moonlight in the Sonoran Desert.
Staud Clothing's Shirley bag is the solution for the packrat
They also see a packrat, a roadrunner, a bobcat, a jackrabbit, a cottontail and a mule deer, some animals that come out after dark.
Being a world-class packrat, he even found the plastic protractor, and our club's copy of Mike Home's original plans.
I find it impossible to discard some old gear, but not because I am a packrat. Mostly, I hang on to special items because of what is linked to them: people and places; expectations and fulfillments; and to a large degree, vignettes of my personal yesterdays.
Besides becoming George's host, Faid starts the Packrat hackers and embarks on his mission of taking down the government and stopping them from rounding up psychics for experimentation.
However, the times we encountered prey of more than one individual per scat were rare, and they were small, e.g., packrat. We recognize that the biomass for deer may be an overestimation, but we assumed it was a good approximation of the consumed biomass.
I'm a bit of a packrat, and what I couldn't display in my man cave was hanging on these walls and sitting on shelves.
Unlike satin bowerbirds, which decorate mating sites with such treasures as pen caps and clothespins, packrat collectibles aren't on display.
Author Talk Tamara Wight will talk about her children's book "Cooper & Packrat: Mystery of Pine Lake,'' 2-4 p.m.
Don Platt, COO * dplatt@1800 * 202-669-9835
The North Adams, Mass., man, a self-confessed packrat, looked at an Allis-Chalmers Model G and saw more.