

not statistical, not involving statistics
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When the changes in the parameters of respiratory function test were examined, there were positive but nonstatistical improvements in Group 1, while there were nonstatistically significant decreases in Group 2.
Fuzzy sets were introduced by Zadeh [20] in 1965 to represent/manipulate data and information possessing nonstatistical uncertainties.
Furthermore, to test whether the fluctuations are arising due to nonstatistical reasons, the findings are compared with the reference distributions obtained by event mixing technique [15, 16, 32].
The document discusses the difference between statistical and nonstatistical sampling of a population and lists factors to consider when designing a sampling strategy.
Moreover, this prohibition is neatly explained by a certain hypothesis about the rational basis of inductive reasoning--namely, the hypothesis that inductive reasoning is fundamentally reasoning about what normally happens (in a nonstatistical sense).
complement, another kind of knowledge: one that is nonstatistical in
Lastly, it was difficult to verify statements concerning amplification biases, reagent sequestration, and multiplexing with the limited nonstatistical data sets.
As shown in Figure 4(a), [kappa]-carrageenan alone mediated a slight nonstatistical increase in the expression of Bcl10, the phosphorylation of I[kappa]B[alpha], and the nuclear expression of [NF-[kappa]B in HT-29 cells at high doses (P > 0.05).
A wide range of statistical and nonstatistical decision-making models have been proposed in the literature to model complex systems under uncertainty.
The only nonstatistical difference was at C/25 between the proposed method and Xu et al.'s.
Atanassov [38] introduced the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) by incorporating nonmembership degree as independent entity to deal nonstatistical impreciseness.