

(General Physics) physics that reflects light diffusely and evenly over the hemisphere surrounding the reflective surface; diffuse
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The transparent object which belongs to nonspecular surface can not reflect correct depth due to the properties of light absorption, reflection, and refraction.
Neutron losses at the bottom mirror due to absorption, nonspecular reflection, upscattering, and other processes are modeled empirically as
Consequently, the scattered energy is more widely distributed in nonspecular scattering directions.
With the increasing of correlation length, the BSC decreases both at specular and nonspecular direction, while the specular peak becomes wider.
In lotal, eight surface conditions were evaluated; these conditions involved the use of a standard stainless steel (STAVAX, HRc53; UDDEHOLM KK) mirrored surface, three stainless steel mirrored surfaces with various coatings, and four stainless steel surfaces with different degrees of nonspecular roughness (see Table 1).
To address this problem, a method was defined to quantify solar gains through windows with nonspecular shading devices, termed complex fenestration systems (CFS), that bridged the gap between expensive solar calorimeter measurements and first-principles analytical models [Klems 1994a].
Either the specula can still radiate effectively under these shielded conditions--the pronota and swollen nonspecular tegmina being viewed as baffles, or they bring about effective secondary radiation by the pronotal projections and the nonspecular regions of the tegmina.
Added complexity results from the presence of a nonspecular layer because beam radiation can be converted to diffuse radiation.
To ascertain the specular and nonspecular scattering distribution from the coating and the substrate surfaces, light scattering measurements were performed on both exposed and unexposed sections of the PVDF paint specimens, using a newly constructed light scattering instrument located in the NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory.
The presence of an absorption pigment - either coated onto the interference pigment or used in conjunction with it - produces intense specular reflection colors that give way to the color of the absorption pigment at nonspecular angles.
11) To avoid any disturbing glare, both sides of the perforated panels have nonspecular matte surface rather then glossy texture.