
Also found in: Wikipedia.
mush, moosh - Mush and moosh (nouns) are variations on mash.
See also related terms for mash.
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Dedicated to some religious purpose; having a divine character; inspiring solemn thoughts or emotions; as, the Dalai Lama of Thibet; the Moogum of M'bwango; the temple of Apes in Ceylon; the Cow in India; the Crocodile, the Cat and the Onion of ancient Egypt; the Mufti of Moosh; the hair of the dog that bit Noah, etc.
has given Blue Velvet a comparable tactility [to Eraserhead]; real streets look like paintings you could touch--you feci as if you could moosh your fingers in the colors" (207).
If you have problems with hardened lead fouling--on semi-auto .22's or centerfire guns shooting lead slugs--what would be tough lead fouling instead manifests as a soft gray moosh. In FIREClean-treated weapons, the worst lead fouling we've encountered could be cleaned with a cotton swab using light finger pressure.
Donnell recently connected back with a long time friend whom he refer to as family, Mushran "Moosh Millionz" Johnson R&B national recording artist and producer from Virginia.
LITTLE SIMZ OCD: Moosh and Twist: The Institute, Digbeth High St, Birmingham.
In their 'demanding' business, to cut off supply at the start of Ramadan, when the staffing atmospherics approaches a shark feeding frenzy, would really be like cutting off the snozz to spite the moosh!
It wouldn't budge;, just churned in that snot-like moosh.
MY Nan, Moosh, was responsible for creating great childhood memories and always had us kids out and about doing something.
Shrimp, tuna and sardineare the most common fish in the zone and other aquatics which are fished in the zone include karut croaker, shirmahi, shark, sangsar, mtitaj, moosh dandan, halva, Redmouth grouper, whitefish, porgies, biti, sorkho etc.
British tennis waited 76 years for " a male Grand Slam winner, so nobody will be too bothered about waiting a whole lot longer for a British Grand Slam winner with a cheery smile on his moosh.