mopani worm

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mopani worm

1. (Animals) an edible caterpillar that feeds on mopani leaves
2. (Cookery) an edible caterpillar that feeds on mopani leaves
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Even the humble mopani worm is pressed into service to illustrate one of Magda's own asterisms.
Customers who could stomach the challenge got to eat chilli maggots, Thai green curry grasshoppers and the biggest of the bunch - a large black Mopani worm.
A big attraction was the outdoor barbecue, which boasted everything from fried termites coated in chocolate to mopani worm hamburgers.
You can nibble on BBQ'd cheddar and chilli worms, snack on a Thai green curry cricket or munch a mopani worm.
And so it was to an extent for Simone who liked to shepherd the goats and search for mopani worms. But her carefree days ended with the passing away of her grandparents when she was I I .
Here, in Namibia, we eat dried Mopani worms, reconstituted in chilli oil.
The Harvey Nichols store in Edinburgh are selling giant toasted ants, thai green curry crickets and mopani worms.
Choose from the braaied meats (from kudo to ostrich) Cape specialities (bobotie to breyani) and Zulu delicacies (mopani worms to chicken feet).
In parts of Africa, residents eat flying ants and Mopani worms. After collecting flying ants during their reproductive flight, preparers dry the insects in the sun and then eat them.