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di·et 1

1. The usual food and drink of a person or animal.
2. A regulated selection of foods, as for medical reasons or cosmetic weight loss.
3. Something used, enjoyed, or provided regularly: subsisted on a diet of detective novels during his vacation.
1. Of or relating to a food regimen designed to promote weight loss in a person or an animal: the diet industry.
a. Having fewer calories.
b. Sweetened with a noncaloric sugar substitute.
3. Designed to reduce or suppress the appetite: diet pills; diet drugs.
v. di·et·ed, di·et·ing, di·ets
To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight or control a medical condition.
To regulate or prescribe food and drink for.

[Middle English diete, from Old French, from Latin diaeta, way of living, diet, from Greek diaita, back-formation from diaitāsthai, to live one's life, middle voice of diaitān, to treat.]

di′et·er n.

di·et 2

1. A national or local legislative assembly in certain countries, such as Japan.
2. A formal general assembly of the princes or estates of the Holy Roman Empire.

[Middle English diete, day's journey, day for meeting, assembly, from Medieval Latin diēta, alteration (influenced by Latin diēs, day) of Latin diaeta, daily routine; see diet1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Medicine)
a. a specific allowance or selection of food, esp prescribed to control weight or in disorders in which certain foods are contraindicated: a salt-free diet; a 900-calorie diet.
b. (as modifier): a diet bread.
2. (Cookery) the food and drink that a person or animal regularly consumes: a diet of nuts and water.
3. regular activities or occupations
(Cookery) (usually intr) to follow or cause to follow a dietary regimen
[C13: from Old French diete, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita mode of living, from diaitan to direct one's own life]
ˈdieter n


1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) a legislative assembly in various countries, such as Japan
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) Also called: Reichstag the assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire
3. (Historical Terms) (sometimes capital) Also called: Reichstag the assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire
4. (Law) Scots law
a. the date fixed by a court for hearing a case
b. a single session of a court
[C15: from Medieval Latin diēta public meeting, probably from Latin diaeta diet1 but associated with Latin diēs day]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdaɪ ɪt)

1. food and drink considered in terms of qualities, composition, and effects on health.
2. a particular selection of food, esp. for improving a person's physical condition or to prevent or treat disease: a low-fat diet.
3. such a selection or a limitation on the amount a person eats for reducing weight: to go on a diet.
4. the foods habitually eaten by a particular person, animal, or group.
5. any–thing habitually provided or partaken of: a steady diet of game shows and soap operas.
6. to select or limit the food one eats, esp. to lose weight.
7. to eat according to the requirements of a diet.
8. to regulate or limit the food of.
9. to feed.
10. suitable for consumption with a weight-reduction diet: diet soda.
[1175–1225; diete < Old French < Latin diaeta < Greek díaita way of living]
di′et•er, n.


(ˈdaɪ ɪt)

1. the legislative body of certain countries, as Japan.
2. the general assembly of the estates of the former Holy Roman Empire.
[1400–50; late Middle English < Medieval Latin diēta public assembly, appar. the same word as Latin diaeta (see diet1) with sense affected by Latin diēs day]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- Comes from Greek diaita, "a way of life, mode of living."
See also related terms for mode.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a formal public assembly, e.g., Diet of Worms, 1521. See also assembly.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: dieted
Gerund: dieting

I diet
you diet
he/she/it diets
we diet
you diet
they diet
I dieted
you dieted
he/she/it dieted
we dieted
you dieted
they dieted
Present Continuous
I am dieting
you are dieting
he/she/it is dieting
we are dieting
you are dieting
they are dieting
Present Perfect
I have dieted
you have dieted
he/she/it has dieted
we have dieted
you have dieted
they have dieted
Past Continuous
I was dieting
you were dieting
he/she/it was dieting
we were dieting
you were dieting
they were dieting
Past Perfect
I had dieted
you had dieted
he/she/it had dieted
we had dieted
you had dieted
they had dieted
I will diet
you will diet
he/she/it will diet
we will diet
you will diet
they will diet
Future Perfect
I will have dieted
you will have dieted
he/she/it will have dieted
we will have dieted
you will have dieted
they will have dieted
Future Continuous
I will be dieting
you will be dieting
he/she/it will be dieting
we will be dieting
you will be dieting
they will be dieting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been dieting
you have been dieting
he/she/it has been dieting
we have been dieting
you have been dieting
they have been dieting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been dieting
you will have been dieting
he/she/it will have been dieting
we will have been dieting
you will have been dieting
they will have been dieting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been dieting
you had been dieting
he/she/it had been dieting
we had been dieting
you had been dieting
they had been dieting
I would diet
you would diet
he/she/it would diet
we would diet
you would diet
they would diet
Past Conditional
I would have dieted
you would have dieted
he/she/it would have dieted
we would have dieted
you would have dieted
they would have dieted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - a prescribed selection of foodsdiet - a prescribed selection of foods  
fare - the food and drink that are regularly served or consumed
allergy diet - a diet designed to avoid the foods that you are allergic to
balanced diet - a diet that contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and activity
bland diet, ulcer diet - a diet of foods that are not irritating; "he ate a bland diet because of his colitis"
diabetic diet - a diet designed to help control the symptoms of diabetes
dietary supplement - something added to complete a diet or to make up for a dietary deficiency
carbo loading, carbohydrate loading - a diet of foods high in starch that increases carbohydrate reserves in muscles; "carbo loading is used by endurance athletes just before competing"
gluten-free diet - diet prescribed to treat celiac disease; eliminates such foods as wheat and rye and oats and beans and cabbage and turnips and cucumbers that are rich in gluten
high-protein diet - a diet high in plant and animal proteins; used to treat malnutrition or to increase muscle mass
high-vitamin diet, vitamin-deficiency diet - a diet designed to patients with vitamin deficiencies
light diet - diet prescribed for bedridden or convalescent people; does not include fried or highly seasoned foods
liquid diet - a diet of foods that can be served in liquid or strained form (plus custards or puddings); prescribed after certain kinds of surgery
low-fat diet - a diet containing limited amounts of fat and stressing foods high in carbohydrates; used in treatment of some gallbladder conditions
low-salt diet, low-sodium diet, salt-free diet - a diet that limits the intake of salt (sodium chloride); often used in treating hypertension or edema or certain other disorders
obesity diet, reducing diet - a diet designed to help you lose weight (especially fat)
soft diet, spoon food, pap - a diet that does not require chewing; advised for those with intestinal disorders
vegetarianism - a diet excluding all meat and fish - a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan)
law-makers, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislature, general assembly - persons who make or amend or repeal laws
Nihon, Nippon, Japan - a constitutional monarchy occupying the Japanese Archipelago; a world leader in electronics and automobile manufacture and ship building - the usual food and drink consumed by an organism (person or animal)
animal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
fare - the food and drink that are regularly served or consumed - the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)diet - the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)
fast, fasting - abstaining from food - follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"
fast - abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent" - eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight
fast - abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. food, provisions, fare, rations, subsistence, kai (N.Z. informal), nourishment, sustenance, victuals, commons, edibles, comestibles, nutriment, viands, aliment Watch your diet - you need plenty of fruit and vegetables.
2. fast, regime, abstinence, regimen, crash diet, dietary regime, dietary programme Have you been on a diet? You've lost a lot of weight.
1. slim, fast, be on a diet, lose weight, abstain, watch your weight, eat sparingly Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives.
slim indulge, glut, gobble, guzzle, get fat, pig out (slang), overindulge, stuff yourself, gormandize
"all [diets] blur together, leaving you with only one definite piece of information: french-fried potatoes are out" [Jean Kerr Please Don't Eat the Daisies]


noun (often cap.) council, meeting, parliament, sitting, congress, chamber, convention, legislature, legislative assembly The Diet has time to discuss the bill only until the 10th November.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
حِمْيَه، نِظام خاص للتَّغْذِيَهنِظَامٌ غِذَائِيّيَتَّبِع نِظاما غِذائِيّايَلْتَزِمُ بِحَمِيَّةٍ غِذَائِيَّةٍ
držet dietustravadieta
diætkurslankekurvære på slankekur
dijetadržati dijetuhranaishrana
diétadiétázikkímélõ étrend
mataræîi; megrunarkúrvera á sérstöku fæîi
식이 요법식이 요법을 하다
dietadietologasdietologijos specialistaslaikytis dietos
diētaievērot diētu
diétadržať diétu
dietadietendietno se hranitishujševalna dieta
rejimrejim yapmakrejimde olmak
ăn kiêngchế độ ăn uống


1 [ˈdaɪət]
A. N
1. (= customary food) → dieta f, alimentación f
2. (= slimming diet) → régimen m, dieta f
to be/go on a dietestar/ponerse a régimen or dieta
to put sb on a dietponer a algn a régimen or dieta
C. CPD [soft drink] → light inv


2 [ˈdaɪət] N (Pol) → dieta f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= usual food) → alimentation f
a healthy diet → une alimentation saine
to live on a diet of → se nourrir de
They live on a diet of fish and rice → Ils se nourrissent de poisson et de riz.
(= slimming diet) → régime m
to be on a diet → être au régime
I'm on a diet → Je suis au régime.
to go on a diet, to start a diet → se mettre au régime
He grew up on a diet of Westerns → Il a été nourri aux westerns dans sa jeunesse.
vi (= follow a diet) → suivre un régime
I've been dieting for two months → Je fais un régime depuis deux mois.
modif [drink, food] → allégé(e), light inv
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nNahrung f; (= special diet)Diät f; (= slimming diet)Schlankheitskur f; there’s nothing wrong with my dietmeine Ernährung ist völlig in Ordnung; to put somebody on a diet/a special dietjdm eine Schlankheitskur/eine Diät verordnen; to be/go on a dieteine Schlankheitskur machen; high protein dietproteinreiche Diät; he lives on a diet of hamburgers and chipser ernährt sich von Hamburgern und Pommes frites; to be fed (on) a diet of something (fig)etw dauernd eingetrichtert bekommen; she lives on a diet of TV soap operassie macht nichts anderes als sich Fernsehserien anzusehen


n (= assembly)Abgeordnetenversammlung f; the German/Japanese dietder deutsche/japanische Reichstag; the Diet of Wormsder Reichstag zu Worms
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (customary food) → alimentazione f, regime m alimentare
to live on a diet of → nutrirsi di
b. (restricted food) → dieta
to be/go on a diet → essere/mettersi a dieta
2. viseguire una dieta
3. adj (food, drink) → dietetico/a
diet yoghurt → yoghurt m inv magro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈdaiət) noun
food, especially a course of recommended foods, for losing weight or as treatment for an illness etc. a diet of fish and vegetables; a salt-free diet; She went on a diet to lose weight.
to eat certain kinds of food to lose weight. She has to diet to stay slim.
dietician, dietitian (ˌdaiəˈtiʃən) noun
an expert on diets and dieting.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نِظَامٌ غِذَائِيّ, يَلْتَزِمُ بِحَمِيَّةٍ غِذَائِيَّةٍ držet dietu, strava diæt, være på slankekur Diät halten, Nahrung διαίτα, κάνω δίαιτα dieta, hacer dieta, hacer régimen laihduttaa, ruokavalio être au régime, régime dijeta, držati dijetu dieta, essere a dieta ダイエットする, 日常の食べ物 식이 요법, 식이 요법을 하다 dieet, lijnen diett, være på diett dieta, zastosować dietę dieta, fazer dieta диета, соблюдать диету banta, diet ควบคุมอาหารเพื่อลดน้ำหนัก, อาหาร rejim, rejim yapmak ăn kiêng, chế độ ăn uống 节食, 饮食
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. dieta, régimen;
balanced ______ balanceada, equilibrada;
bland ______ blanda;
clear liquid ______ líquida absoluta;
diabetic ______ diabética;
gluten-free ______ libre de gluten;
high fiber ______ alta en fibra;
liquid ______ líquida;
low in fat ______ baja en grasa;
low-salt ______ baja de sal;
salt-free ______ sin sal;
weight reduction ______ para bajar de peso.;
clear liquid ______ líquida absoluta.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n dieta, régimen m, alimentación f (form); balanced — alimentación equilibrada or balanceada, dieta equilibrada or balanceada; cardiac — dieta cardíaca; clear liquid — dieta líquida clara, dieta de líquidos claros; consistent carbohydrate — dieta diabética or para diabéticos, dieta en la que la cantidad de carbohidratos medida en calorías se mantiene constante; diabetic — dieta diabética or para diabéticos; dysphagia — dieta de or para disfagia; full liquid — dieta liquida completa; high-fiber — dieta rica or alta en fibra; low-fat — dieta baja en grasas; mechanical soft — dieta de fácil masticación; Mediterranean — dieta mediterránea; nectar consistency — dieta del néctar líquido; puréed — dieta puré; renal — dieta renal; (sodium-, protein-, etc.) restricted — dieta restringida (en sodio, en proteínas, etc.); to be on a — estar a dieta, seguir un régimen; weight loss — dieta para adelgazar, dieta de adelgazamiento, régimen adelgazante (Esp), dieta para bajar de peso; vi estar a dieta, seguir un régimen
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The study also indicates that growing recognition of low-fiber diet as the root cause for chronic ailments, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and coronary vascular diseases, will increasingly contribute to gains in the IMO market.
Obesity and many of the complications of obesity may be in part related to a low-fiber diet. The FDA has given permission to high-fiber products to say that the regular consumption of this product may reduce cholesterol levels.
Treatment for diverticulitis often centers on a short-term low-fiber diet to quiet the digestive tract, and possibly antibiotics to get rid of the infection.
In the study mentioned, both groups were found to have similar surgical field exposure; However, the low-fiber diet was better tolerated14.
(One-third of the original species did not fully recover.) But then, with each subsequent generation, a low-fiber diet caused a further decrease in microbial diversity.
But only the old mice showed intestinal inflammation on the low-fiber diet," Johnson said.
When mice in two new studies were fed a low-fiber diet, the overall population of beneficial microbes shrank, and the make-up of that population changed.
Low-Fiber Diet Implicated Diverticulosis is thought to result from a diet that is high in animal fat and low in fiber (the condition is far less common in countries where people eat low-meat, high-fiber diets).
A second human trial was conducted on one patient who took the pill twice- the first time with a high-fiber diet, and again two weeks later with a low-fiber diet. Both scenarios yielded undesirable effects.
While its true that some gastrointestinal conditions, such as Crohn's disease, do warrant a low-fiber diet, diverticulosis isn't among them.
A low-fiber diet, mainly comprised of processed foods, means there's less fuel for gut bacteria, which means they will starve until they die.
SAN DIEGO -- Obesity is a risk factor for colonic diverticulosis among women but not men, while a low-fiber diet was not found to be a risk factor in a study reported at the annual Digestive Disease Week.