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Adj.1.lower-middle-class - occupying the lower part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society
middle-class - occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower classes and the wealthy
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But it still finds dramatic growth, from about 4.6m households in 2000 to almost 15m households today in the 11 focal countries, if the middle-class and lower-middle-class categories are both included.
Including lower-middle-class households, the overall number swells to over 40 million households by 2030, from around 15 million today," the report states.
"Louie's"' troubled lower-middle-class background up north isn't so different from the fundamentalist Texas upbringing of Sheldon Cooper on "Big Bang Theory," while Frank Underwood on "House of Cards" was the product of distinctly weird abuse in South Carolina.
Espenshade, while a lower-middle-class white student gains no such preference.
Research on poor Blacks, working-class Blacks and lower-middle-class Blacks may be extensive, but work on understanding more affluent African-Americans is scant.
To promote its set-top boxes, the company developed an analog model for free broadcast TV for the 41.5 million lower-income homes perfectly happy to watch news, sports and telenovelas hits like A Grande Familia, a sitcom about a lower-middle-class family trying to make ends meet, over traditional airwaves.
Indeed, in his unending attempts to master the "great virtue of adaptability to circumstances," he displayed many of the attributes common to lower-middle-class Americans, including the assumption that he remained the master of his own destiny.
"I'd live in the house!" guesses the contestant, a polite lower-middle-class lady who works as a dental hygienist to pay her rent and support her son.
In the new version, CBS plans to take a real-life rural, lower-middle-class family and transplant them to a Beverly Hills mansion.
(My father recalls that for a brief period I wanted to be a barber, but I was 4.) I grew up in a lower-middle-class Pittsburgh steelworking family, with an enormous appetite for achievement.
However, her particular interest lies with the lower middle class, a group that so far has failed to gain much attention from literary critics and historians, and her book focuses on the way novelistic conventions of class representation developed by the middle class 'as a means of controlling and containing other classes' are subsequently manipulated by women and lower-middle-class male writers as forms of resistance.
Schoch was working for the Los Angeles Times, covering the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to survey for contamination of a lower-middle-class neighborhood near two Superfund sites.