lowercase letter

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lowercase letter

A letter written or printed in a size smaller than and often in a form differing from its corresponding capital letter.

[From the storage of such letters in the lower of two trays used by compositors.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tod Beardsley, research director, Rapid7 said: "It's common today to ensure that passwords include an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, a number, and special character, and force users to change their password every 90 days, but such password restrictions tend to reduce password complexity--not enhance it.
(%) 0.30-0.20 5.73aA 5.58a 2.84 6 5.68aA 5.52a 2.27 5.75aA 5.56a 1.35 5.72A - - 1.26 - - 5.25aAB 5.34a 4.55 5.33aA 5.27a 4.22 18 5.42aA 5.32a 5.43 5.59aA 5.41a 4.62 5.68aA - - 2.03 - - (*) Means followed by the same lowercase letter in the column and uppercase letter in lines re not different according to Tukey's test (P<0.05) (**) C.V.
Treatments Mass (g) PY (%) BT (mm) LD (cm) TD (cm) Control 223.20a 56.95a 4.19a 80.61a 67.68a Newspaper 209.58a 49.15a 4.38a 78.39a 66.60a Kraft paper 245.42a 61.18a 4.40a 81.09a 70.91a Waxed paper 252.20a 52.33a 4.86a 85.67a 71.10a NW 220.57a 52.24a 4.43a 81.02a 67.84a VC (%) 20.11 14.51 18.08 8.68 6.62 Averages followed by the same lowercase letter in column do not differ from each other by the Tukey test at 5% probability level.
Means followed by the same lowercase letter are not significantly different (ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test, P > 0.05).
To achieve the maximum strength, Microsoft's password checker requires at least 14 characters containing at least one of each of the following types of characters: an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a special character.
The subgroups differed in that for first-years, uppercase letter identification was difficult, and lowercase letter identification was very difficult, while for second-years, the first was easy and the second had medium difficulty.
Comparison of the concentrations of total polyphenols and flavonoids in kudzu to the concentrations found in spinach, seaweed, and shiitake mushrooms Total Phenolics (mg [g.sup.-1] Extract) Flavonoids (mg [g.sup.-1] Extract) Kudzu Ratio Kudzu 5.09a 4.27a -- Spinach 2.07b 1.74b 2.46 Seaweed 1.43c 1.20c 3.57 Shiitake 0.80c 0.67c 6.39 Means followed by the same lowercase letter in each column are not significantly different based on the LSD test (P=0.01).
According to Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/typography/developers /fdsspec/lowercase.htm) the lowercase letter d with a stroke (also known as dyet or dcroat) is used in Croatian, Vietnamese, Macedonian and Serbian language.
The lowercase letter d with stroke in Croatian writing was proposed by Duro Danicic in the late 19th century.
Plant Spacing (cm) Cultivar 6.1 15.3 % Flavor Runner 458 73.2 aA 85.8 aA Okrun 81.7 aA 86.6 aA Southwest Runner 25.9 bA * 28.2 bA * Tamspan 90 8.4 bA ** 11.2 bA ** Plant Spacing (cm) Cultivar 30.3 45.7 % Flavor Runner 458 86.6 aA 93.5 aA Okrun 97.67 aA 96.9 aA Southwest Runner 36.7 bA ** 37.2 bA ** Tamspan 90 17.8 bA ** 31.2 bA ** * Significant at the 0.05 probability level for rate within a cultivar given as an uppercase letters (rows) and among lines for a given seeding rate given by lowercase letter (columns).
1 Given each parent's genetic makeup, assign an uppercase letter for a dominant allele (one that expresses a visible trait) and a lowercase letter for a recessive allele (one that is masked by a dominant trait).