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(Commerce) tending to communicate by electronic methods such as e-mail, rather than in person. Compare high-context
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Japan, China) rely on the communication context more than in a low-context culture (e.g.
In low-context countries, including North America, they insist on direct, precise, straightforward, and logical communication; whereas high-context countries (such as in Asia and the Middle East) they believe verbal communication to be only part of the overall message.
Previous cross-cultural researchers have applied the concept of high- versus low-context communication methods to advertising.
This idea is closely related to the concept of high-context and low-context in intercultural communication that was proposed by Edward T.
is a representative of individualistic and low-context culture, which contains primarily of self-oriented individuals who seek to fulfill personal needs [28].
There has been considerable work done on the differences between so-called high-context and low-context cultures.
Generally speaking, America is a low-context culture where relationships are based on achieving a goal in the shortest time possible.
These patterns are described as arising out of five particular dichotomies: deal-focused versus relationship-focused business behavior, direct (low-context) versus indirect (high-context) communications, informal (egalitarian) versus formal (hierarchical) business behavior, rigid-time (monochronic) versus fluid-time (polychronic) cultures, and emotionally expressive versus emotionally reserved business behavior.
Hyun Mo Lee also dealt with strategic accountability as he explained the differing perspectives of missionaries from high- and low-context cultures on the importance of mission policies, subjective judgments, and maintenance of relationships.
Thus, messages conveyed in this low-context communication style are in the words expressed and not in the context (Hall, 1989).

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