Lower Austria

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Related to Lower Austria: Niederösterreich, Niederosterreich

Lower Austria

(Placename) a state of NE Austria: the largest Austrian province, containing most of the Vienna basin. Capital: Sankt Pölten. Pop: 1 552 848 (2003 est). Area: 19 170 sq km (7476 sq miles). German name: Niederösterreich
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References in periodicals archive ?
According to Erwin Proell, the governor of Lower Austria, EVN's renewable energy investments will lead to the creation of around 12,000 jobs.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-19 March 2010-Moody's sets top rating to Lower Austria CHF400m debt(C)1994-2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS http://www.m2.com
The four were believed to have been shot on Tuesday afternoon, police for Lower Austria province said.
The findings of a new study commissioned by mobilkom austria has revealed that the majority of residents of Lower Austria do not feel safe in the country's mountains without their mobile phone.
Gottfried Bauer, a spokesman for the police rescue service in the province of Lower Austria, said rescuers tried but failed to resuscitate five people - four women and a man.
The European Investment Bank is putting up a loan of Euro 35 million for the development of an international campus of the postgraduate university in Krems, in Lower Austria. The investment will improve the quality of higher education facilities in the region with a special focus on life-long learning and research.
Despite the renewed rainfall, initial reports said those areas in the provinces of Upper and Lower Austria hardest hit by recent widespread flooding were not further affected.
The fountain is part of the castle Hof in Marchfeld, the state of Lower Austria. The award criterion is the most economically advantageous offer.
The projects mean new jobs in Lower Austria, Hofer said.
2 March 2010 - Austria's province of Lower Austria said Monday it had hired Swiss bank Credit Suisse (VTX:CSGN) to arrange the extension of its bond by CHF50m (EUR46.2m/EUR34.1m).
The decision to refer Austria to the Court follows the investigation of a complaint that, both in its legislation and its practice, the state of Lower Austria was unjustifiably allowing the killing of birds of prey.

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