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Of or relating to a group in the Anglican Church that minimizes the episcopacy, priesthood, and sacraments and favors evangelical doctrines, polity, and usages.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
He would willingly have made the service more ornate than had been usual in the low-church parish of Blackstable, and in his secret soul he yearned for processions and lighted candles.
Charles Baring, his bishop, refused to give John any help with his large parish unless he would agree to conduct his services in a more 'low-church' style.
Many of the chapters challenge what the contributors critique as an individualistic, low-church Protestantism.
It is why many low-church Evangelicals do not baptize their young children but wait for them to come of age to make a conscious declaration of faith.
Temperley concludes that their sometimes-contradictory opinions created a paradox of high- and low-church values which hindered the development of a single Methodist approach to music for a century.
Its major prophets were the Anglican church, the dissident low-church Evangelical and high-church Oxford Movements, the hortatory writings of Thomas Carlyle and the muscular Christianity of Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby school and father of the poet Matthew Arnold.
Though fiercely liberal and generally low-church, it's also home to a chapter of Adore Ministries, an outreach group for young people, whose devotions include--you guessed it--eucharistic adoration.
Bayly that only then did a new imperial Anglicanism assert itself, embracing both High Anglicans and low-church Evangelicals as part of an imperial resurgence following in part the losses inAmerica.
Religious commissions continued to form a large part of Eidlitz's practice, with the majority coming from Protestant congregations with a Low-Church focus on preaching.
Just as dear old Tupper expressed his Victorianism by his devotion to religion, admittedly a low-church variety, so Prof.
Craig puts the villain's hat on a monolithic Low-Church "camp," likening it to communist-hunting McCarthyism (171).
Back in the early 1950s when I was a server at a parish church in what was then called "darkest Huron" because of its low-church proclivities, we had a piscina leading directly to ground, in the sacristy next to the sanctuary.