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Having fewer carbohydrates than what is standard or typical: a low-carb diet.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Low-carb diet has been widely known for its weight loss benefits.
The Diabetes Weight-Loss Cookbook's creation began when author Giancarlo Caldesi adopted a low-carb diet after a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes.
Low Carb Express: Cut the Carbs with 130 Deliciously Healthy Recipes packs in not just low-carb dishes; but influences from around the world.
It seems that everyone these days has a friend following a low-carb eating plan designed to make the body burn fat more efficiently.
It's no longer called the Atkins Diet, but the low-carb school of dieting has been enjoying a comeback.
'Our study highlights an unfavourable association between low-carb diets and total and
Khambatta said, 'Low-carb diets have been around for about half a century and have many names.
The Mediterranean low-carb group was told to eat more vegetables, beans, poultry, and fish instead of beef and lamb.
Image Credit: Stefan Lindeque Dr Hafeel Ambalath , Ayurvedic Practioner and CEO, The Healers' Clinic What's most effective for weight loss - a low-fat or a low-carb diet?
Some people on very low-carb diets say they feel (https://www.paleohacks.com/ketosis/does-ketosis-and-or-intermittent-fasting-cause-euphoria-35565) euphoric , (http://lowcarbediem.com/have-more-energy-sleep-less-and-get-more-done) have clear minds and lose their appetite.
This is why low-carb diets are so popular--and effective--for weight-loss.
A low-carb diet is generally used in a quest to lose weight.