low fidelity

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low fidelity

The electronic reproduction of sound or images using technology that results in unwanted distortion or imperfections.

low′-fi·del′i·ty adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In low fidelity, simulation practices support the development of students' psychomotor skills.13,14 In addition, high fidelity simulation trainings provide a higher level of learning experience where cognitive, emotional and psychomotor learning goals are integrated and ensure adaptation to the clinic.
Low fidelity elements of the process were identified as the transition phase, as well as the principles of natural supports and community-based services.
In order to examine how the participants rated the fictitious cases characterized by low or high fidelity, an analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U Test, 5% level, with the pooled results as the dependent variable and with the fidelity level of the case (low fidelity, high fidelity) as the independent variable.
(4) DNA-damaging agents that instigate additional DNA damage in cells that are already HR-deficient will lead to cell death through the rapid accumulation of genomic aberrations from low fidelity DNA repair.
As a result, our conclusions are least generalizable to schools at the beginning stages of PBIS implementation with low fidelity, as this subsample was underrepresented.
Based on these codes, the computer program Atlas.ti (Muhr 2004) was used to selectively code the program director interviews for segments of talk relevant to the issues of county influence and high and low fidelity. The Atlas.ti program was further used to sort the coded segments and explore relationships among the categories, and to create new codes for categories that emerged during the coding process, that is, to identify the existence of new, previously unrecognized categories.
Consonant with this property, these specialised DNA polymerases have extremely low fidelity when copying undamaged DNA, i.e.
"Our employees are skilled in either low fidelity skills or high-fidelity clinical simulation to assist inter-professional learning.
Assessment of a low fidelity human patient simulator for the acquisition of nursing skills.
Importantly, research has shown that programs implemented with high fidelity have more of an impact with respect to program outcomes than those with low fidelity (e.g., Durlak & DuPre, 2008).
To determine this more conclusively would require a body of research in which level of fidelity was systematically varied to determine how different fidelity levels (e.g., high, medium, low fidelity) impact outcomes.
With its Product Ownership Program Ciklum aims to “bridge the gap” between clients' IT and business goals and provide Product Owners with some simple tools that allow both low fidelity details and a full overview of the product functionality and user interaction with the product.