low camp

low camp

an unsophisticated form of camp2
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At basal or low cAMP conditions, donor and acceptor are in close proximity and energy is transferred from donor to acceptor, and thus maximum FRET occurs.
And it was Petrie who bore MAINMAN the brunt of a strongly-worded statement from the Low camp with an accusation his desire to see a return for his investment was making a resolution unrealistic.
They then trekked with sleds, dragging gear, duffel bags and food rations to Low Camp, where they acclimatised at the mountain's base for a few days before reaching the summit after an arduous nine hour ascent.
The sensor is able to change color between bright blue and yellow for high and low cAMP concentrations, respectively.
Upon arrival, the team elected to walk the nine-km stretch from the base camp to low camp which should have taken them only a few hours to complete.
The first half of the text is organized thematically, exploring camp aesthetics in areas such as the academic tradition; feminine writing styles; fantasy and banality; theatricality; and low camp. The second half focuses on camp in the works of Oscar Wilde, Ronald Firbank; Quentin Crisp; Juan Goytisolo; Chloe Poems and Edward Wood.
Larry Daggett's flamboyantly mad scientist is better suited to a Charles Ludlam spoof, more low camp than high Capp.
But panto, high and low camp along with a touch of verbal slapstick, were very much part of this one-off performance, directed ably from an on-stage vantage point by Jonathan Munby.
Griffith) with credible fictional characters, real events with imagined episodes, Mann even infers that Lawrence might have been gay, in love with another actress and, later, with the young woman whose body was mistaken for hers, The Biograph Girl provides not only a good yarn but also an impressively researched piece of film history and a compelling glimpse at early-20th-century America, The result is somewhere between high art and low camp (this is, after all, a book about a dead film actress)--a memorial to a forgotten player who was both the entertainment industry's first star and the first to be undone by it.
In the basal state (low cAMP), the donor and acceptor fluorophores are in close proximity such that FRET occurs efficiently.
Richard has so far climbed to the low camp at 2,815m.
Picnic blankets and low camp chairs will be allowed.