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not standard an exclamation of surprise or dismay
[from Lord (interj)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Good Lor! and Missis Lincon,--can she kinder sweep it into a room like my missis,--so kinder splendid, yer know!
Good, plain, common cookin', Jinny'll do;--make a good pone o' bread,--bile her taters far,--her corn cakes isn't extra, not extra now, Jinny's corn cakes isn't, but then they's far,--but, Lor, come to de higher branches, and what can she do?
"Good Lor! get him in it, then," said Mose, "and den he'd begin,
'Lor bless her dear heart, no!' interposed the nurse, hastily depositing in her pocket a green glass bottle, the contents of which she had been tasting in a corner with evident satisfaction.
'Lor bless her dear heart, when she has lived as long as I have, sir, and had thirteen children of her own, and all on 'em dead except two, and them in the wurkus with me, she'll know better than to take on in that way, bless her dear heart!
de Lor! Miss 'Lizzy an’ Miss Grant—walk—mountain—poor Bravy ‘—kill a lady— painter-—Oh, Lor, Lor!—Natty Bumppo—tare he troat open—come a see, masser Richard—here he be—here he be.”
"Lor', sir, they always have long clothes, bless their little hearts."
"Lor', sir, you wouldn't have 'em in short clothes, poor little dears?" And she said it in a tone that seemed to imply I had suggested some unmanly outrage.
"Hev ferrets, Measter Tom," said Bob, eagerly,--"them white ferrets wi' pink eyes; Lors, you might catch your own rots, an' you might put a rot in a cage wi' a ferret, an' see 'em fight, you might.
The purchase price for validly tendered shares is USD10.04 per share, equal to 98% of LOR's net asset value per share as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on 21 August 2019.
A review of the closed-circuit television footage showed that another man picked up the tray containing Lor's belongings.
This represents an increase in the Funds' monthly distribution rates, as LGI and LOR formerly paid monthly distributions equivalent to 1/12th of 6.25% and 6.5%, respectively, of the respective Fund's net asset value per share on the last business day of the previous calendar year.