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(Nautical Terms) a fast sailing boat, built in China, consisting of a junk-rigged vessel with a European-style hull
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With the campaign, they seek to actively promote the island's various attractions, such as middle-side barracks, battery grubs, Pacific war memorial complex, Cine Corregidor, Spanish lighthouse, Japanese garden of peace, Filipino heroes memorial, Malinta tunnel and Lorcha dock.
Nely Lorcha y Loquero, 25, of Cabiguan, Pilar, Sorsogon; Linel Cadag y Melgar, 29, of Donsol, Sorsogon; Elmer Lopez y Mirabuna, 19, of Brgy.
Romanian Lorcha Marqel had broken into a Tyneside flat in 2001 before returning to her homeland.
The vessel was of a type known as a lorcha, a Chinese junk heavily influenced by Portuguese ship design, and the vessel had not been dashed against a reef but had suffered a catastrophic fire and burnt right down to the waterline.