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 (chăn′sə-lər, -slər)
1. Any of various officials of high rank, especially:
a. A secretary to a monarch or noble.
b. Chiefly British The chief secretary of an embassy.
c. The chief minister of state in some European countries.
a. The president of certain American universities.
b. Chiefly British The honorary or titular head of a university.
3. Law The presiding judge of a court of chancery or equity in some states of the United States and in Great Britain.

[Middle English chaunceler, from Old French chancelier, from Late Latin cancellārius, doorkeeper, from Latin cancellī, bars, latticework; see cancel.]

chan′cel·lor·ship′ n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.chancellorship - the office of chancellor
berth, billet, post, situation, position, office, place, spot - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nKanzlerschaft f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
'And now, Sammy,' said the old gentleman, when the whip- lashes, and the buckles, and the samples, had been all put back, and the book once more deposited at the bottom of the same pocket, 'now, Sammy, I know a gen'l'm'n here, as'll do the rest o' the bisness for us, in no time--a limb o' the law, Sammy, as has got brains like the frogs, dispersed all over his body, and reachin' to the wery tips of his fingers; a friend of the Lord Chancellorship's, Sammy, who'd only have to tell him what he wanted, and he'd lock you up for life, if that wos all.'
Now, upon how many heads had the presidency, the chancellorship, the mastership passed since Robert d'Estouteville had held the provostship of Paris.
Unlike every previous cabinet departure in Merkel's seven-year chancellorship, she made the announcement herself, without Roettgen being present.
His commitment to engaging with all aspects of Durham life has been a defining part of his chancellorship. Sam Roseveare, president of Durham Students' Union, said: "Bill Bryson has been an inspiration and a true friend to Durham students.
They also objected to the extension of Vice Chancellorship of Mazhar-ul-Haq Siddqui of the fourth time who is a retired bureaucrat and is well-known for his anti-teachers policies.
Then of course there's Gordon Brown, our lapsed socialist leader who so pleased the city of London financial institutions during his Chancellorship days, even managing to sell much of the country's gold reserves at what has turned out to be at rock bottom prices - that's Gordon "I'm not to blame" for not keeping my eye on the banks after I de-regulated those very same banks and building societies.
For years this man has been preening himself for his courage and wisdom at the outset of his Chancellorship of passing the whole business of inflation and interest rates to an "independent" Bank of England, beyond the reach of votehungry politicians.
Lazare, 71, disclosed that for health reasons, he would also step down from the chancellorship and return to teaching after a one-year sabbatical.
And he started his chancellorship as he intended to carry on by taxingdividends paid into pension funds thus causing the impoverishmentof many elderly people and retirees.
Edmund Stoiber, the CSU Minister-President of the land of Bavaria, and the CDU/CSU's candidate for the Chancellorship in next September's general election, paid a visit to Brussels on April 23/24 for a series of talks with the European Commission President, "a long-standing friend", said Mr Stoiber, and the President of the European Convention, Val?ry Giscard d'Estaing.
Brimming with confidence, Schonhuber has set his sights on the chancellorship. [I] consider it possible," he recently told the German weekly Der Spiegel, 'that one day, if not I, then another Republican will become chancellor." The chances of the Republicans making it to Bonn, let alone to the chancellorship, are extremely unlikely.
The Great Cost-Cutter's early Cabinet appointments should be interesting: the billionaire Sir Alan Sugar made Business Minister, beaten to the Chancellorship by Belize's very own Lord Ashcroft, while Cole-shouldered X Factor contestant Gamu will surely find consolatory safe haven on our shores thanks to the intervention of Foreign Secretary (and billionaire in the making) Sir Simon Cowell.