loquat tree

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Noun1.loquat tree - evergreen tree of warm regions having fuzzy yellow olive-sized fruit with a large free stoneloquat tree - evergreen tree of warm regions having fuzzy yellow olive-sized fruit with a large free stone; native to China and Japan
loquat, Japanese plum - yellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh; used for jellies
Eriobotrya, genus Eriobotrya - Asiatic evergreen fruit trees
fruit tree - tree bearing edible fruit
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Loquat--The loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is a subtropical fruit species usually propagated by grafting in seedlings of the same species, which usually results in tall trees.
Suspended from a loquat tree in the backyard, a grape and honeysuckle vine nest (above), made by artists Didi Beck and Dylan Hostetter, serves as a hideout, complete with cushions and peepholes.
Guests to Cloud Chaser are greeted by a central courtyard with a water feature that emits soothing trickling sounds, along with a majestic Coppertone Loquat tree to provide shade and color.
REUBEN Gordon wrote to me with a query about his loquat tree that's still not flowering after 18 years.
ASK DIARMUID REUBEN Gordon wrote to me with a query about his loquat tree that's still not flowering after 18 years.
Last week Reuben Gordon wrote in from Houghton Regis, Beds, with a query about his loquat tree that's still not flowering after 18 years.
Every few minutes my parents had to warn us not to step on the parsley bed or the aubergine shoots, and not to climb the apricot or loquat tree and break their fragile young branches.
I remember Granny calling to me from her bedroom window as I perched in the loquat tree, pretending to be a gorilla or some such thing.
First comes the child's noticing, with senses wide open: the smell of coffee, and "the breakfast-making clatter" which means she is safe; the discovery of a "rust-colored and furred" bat in a loquat tree, a "breathing fact" which will "alarm and thrill" her.
Each loquat tree yields between 150 to 200 kilograms of ripe fruit every season and the tree will continue to bear fruit for around 50 to 70 years.
However, the loquat tree is decorative and popular in gardens (where freezes are rare), and if you have a tree, or access to one, enjoy loquats fresh and also try them in this sweet-tart chutney.
The lake is also surrounded with Loquat trees and offers the Takht-e-Babri, a carved out piece of stone which according to historical narrations, had served as sojourn for the Mughal ruler who had put his men to work for the creation of Mughal garden named as 'Bagh-e-Safa'.