lop ears


lop ears

plHänge- or Schlappohren (inf) pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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It never saw her lop ears, the big back feet and the nuzzling, ever inquisitive nose.
"I'd describe the dead rabbit as fawn and white in colour, with lop ears. I haven't confirmed this rabbit's sex yet.
"The live rabbit is a fairly large tan and black male, also with lop ears. He is very thin."
In the boxes were four cold and frightened rabbits, two adult lop ears and two young baby rabbits.
She produced her Brangus heifer calf on June 23 ( yet to be named ( with its characteristic lop ears and pronounced hump on its back.
But, as he watches his friend guzzle up the water from a green plastic bucket, those lop ears flicking in synchronized satisfaction, you wonder if he will now call him "Champ."
Romberg's disease), excessive facial height, lop ears, cleft lip/palate, buck tooth deformity, anopthalmos and micropthalmos, anencephaly, "frog face" (Crouzon's disease), mocrotia, and colombomata of the lower eyelids.
"I've sold every sort of rabbit from large lop ears to the small fluffy lion heads and every type of guinea pig.