

Austral a groundsheet draped over an upright stick, used as a temporary shelter
[C20: from hutch]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
And of the Hutchie Vale walk-off, he added: "It was absolutely disgusting and I admire them for doing it -- not everybody would take that stance that they did.
Donnie, who works at the Hebridean isle's Bowmore distillery, said the "welcoming atmosphere" at Hutchie Vale convinced him and wife AJ to commit to the weekly journey.
Leith Athletic, Hutchie Vale, a brief stint at Falkirk's academy before being turfed out, then Livingston, Dundee, Wolves, Hibs.
Speaking of a conversation he had recently with the PUP's Billy Hutchinson, Spence said: "I've been telling Hutchie to smile more, be more open, less angry looking.
"One of the Cardiff players said something to Hutchie after his fight and I didn't think it was appropriate because it was an even fight.
``Scobe,'' he said, ``I don't ride Charlottown in the Derby.'' ``I know, Hutchie,'' was the reply from his fellow Australian.
Paul Hutchinson (Hutchie the Hat) had four fish of 6lb 8oz, two of 5lb and one of 4lb on rag and lug cocktails from Blyth Beach.
THIS is the Hutchinson (Hutchie)Hall group in the late 1980s or early 1940s.
A young soldier, Corporal Henry Cancade, Royal Canadian Regiment, who was grossly wounded by a hutchie fire in Korea.
I was playing for Hibs in the Initiative League on a Sunday after playing for Hutchie Vale on a Saturday, which wouldn't happen these days.
He leaves a son Doug "Hutchie" Hutchinson and his wife Brenda (Coty) of Charlton; two daughters Deborah Mogavero and her husband Dave of Westerly, RI; Donna of Southbridge, widow of Richard G Reynolds (1994); six grandchildren, Scott and Chris Mogavero, Grace Mogavero-Dinwoodie, Amanda, Carly and Nicholas Reynolds, five great grandchildren, as well as many nieces, nephews, his sister in law Faith (Byron) Houle and her husband Wilfred R.