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A city of south-central Kansas on the Arkansas River northwest of Wichita. It grew as a salt-mining center in the late 1800s.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈhʌtʃ ɪn sən)

1. Anne Marbury, 1591–1643, American religious leader, born in England.
2. Thomas, 1711–80, American colonial administrator of Massachusetts 1769–74.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Noun1.Hutchinson - American colonist (born in England) who was banished from Boston for her religious views (1591-1643)Hutchinson - American colonist (born in England) who was banished from Boston for her religious views (1591-1643)
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References in classic literature ?
Anne Hutchinson. At all events, it was in her possession in 1687.
Hutchinson's lectures soon caused a great disturbance; for the ministers of Boston did not think it safe and proper that a woman should publicly instruct the people in religious doctrines.
Hutchinson had many zealous friends and converts," continued Grandfather.
Hutchinson, and other troubles, caused him to leave country in 1637.
This rose-bush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the stern old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed it, or whether, as there is far authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson as she entered the prison-door, we shall not take upon us to determine.
From a little hill called Hutchinson's Hill, you could look over three and a half miles of ground covered with fighting seals; and the surf was dotted all over with the heads of seals hurrying to land and begin their share of the fighting.
The three- and four-year-old holluschickie romped down from Hutchinson's Hill crying: "Out of the way, youngsters!
But Doctor Byles, and other gentlemen who had long been familiar with the successive rulers of the province, were heard to whisper the names of Shirley, of Pownall, of Sir Francis Bernard, and of the well-remembered Hutchinson; thereby confessing that the actors, whoever they might be, in this spectral march of governors, had succeeded in putting on some distant portraiture of the real personages.
Hutchinson will like me, Arthur," she said, looking up.
It seemed hardly to break the peaceful flow of life at Dove Cottage, when, in 1802, Wordsworth married his old playmate and schoolfellow, Mary Hutchinson. They had known each other all their lives, and marriage was a natural and lovely ending to their friendship.
In 1802 he married Mary Hutchinson, who had been one of his childish schoolmates, a woman of a spirit as fine as that of his sister, whom she now joined without a thought of jealousy in a life of self-effacing devotion to the poet.
Mary Hutchinson and Joanna Lanza separated in 1935.