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in the U.S. and Canada, descendants of Swiss Protestants exiled from their homeland in 1528 for communal living, paciflsm, and Anabaptist views, still persecuted for their economie self-sufficiency and their refusal to allow their communities to be assimilated. Also called Hutterian Brethren.
See also: Communalism
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The monuments, which include a mill from the 16th century in Sobotiste (Senica district) and an old oven in Moravian Vacenovice, are connected through their common origin: the Habans, or Hutterites, a religious community stemming from the Reformation of Catholic Church that moved to this region following persecution.
The communities represented by Cape's sculptures and profiled in We Sit Together are Ephrata Cloister, the Shakers, the Snow Hill Nunnery, the Harmony Society, the Society of Separatists of Zoar, the Oneida Community, the Amana Society, the Hutterites, Rose Valley, the Bruderhof, Twin Oaks, and Camphill Village Kimberton Hills.
A recent US study comparing the Amish and Hutterites population prevalence of asthma by Stein et al showed that Amish population who adhere to traditional farming practices had lower prevalence of asthma relative to Hutterite population who use industrialised farming.
Later, the Germans go to the colony of Hutterites who have chosen to isolate themselves from society, meet the Leslie Howard character vacationing (in the middle of a world war) at a fishing camp in the Rockies and, finally, encounter the Raymond Massey character who is a soldier absent without leave.
Both Amish and Hutterites lead rural lives without many modern "vices" such as television or cars, but Hutterite farms use modern equipment and machinery--a stark contrast from the single-family dairy farms of many Amish communities.
Researchers studied the Amish community in Indiana and the Hutterites of South Dakota to figure out why asthma is uncommon among children belonging to the Amish community.
Since the time of their arrival in North America in the 1870s, Hutterites have produced little in the way of analytical interpretive history or other writings depicting their faith and life.
For example, it has an in-kind arrangement with a Hutterite farm community that allows the company to use the community's telemetry tower for rural fixed wireless service; in exchange, EOT provides free Wi-Fi to the Hutterites' houses and school.
farming populations, the Indiana Amish and the South Dakota Hutterites. While both communities share a lifestyle known to affect asthma risk, the Amish live on single-family traditional farms and use horses for work and transportation, whereas the Hutterites live on large, communal farms and embrace modern technology.
Inside the Ark: The Hutterites in Canada and the United States, 2nd Edition
The Hutterites had enjoyed more than 40 years of quiet prosperity after their arrival in North America in 1874.
It relies on the fact that the Hutterites, a religious community that settled in North America in the 1870s, keep meticulous genealogical records and live a communal lifestyle that ensures uniform access to healthcare and food.