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 (hŭs′īt′, ho͝os′-)
A follower of the religious reformer John Hus.
Of or relating to John Hus or his religious theories.

Huss′it′ism n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the doctrines of a reformist and nationalistic movement initiated by John Huss in Bohemia about 1402, especially its reflection of Wycliffite emphases upon clerical purity, communion in both bread and wine for the laity, and the supreme authority of the Scriptures. Also Hussism. — Hussite, n., adj.
See also: Protestantism
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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However, some generalizations made by historians, such as Roger Portal on hussitism, causes the disappearing of some subjects because they were not 'originals'.
Over the past two decades Thomas Fudge has established himself as one of the leading authorities on the early fifteenth-century Bohemian heretic-martyr, Jan Hus and the eponymous central European, pre-Reformation, religious reform movement, Hussitism. In a steady stream of articles and monographs, Fudge has systematically mined the primary material (Hus's writings alone run to more than twenty-five volumes) and assimilated voluminous secondary and ancillary literature in Latin, Czech, and German.
The Czech Brethren, who settled down in Great Poland after 1548, had their origins in moderate Hussitism, and their confession tended toward Calvinism.
However, the Czech flame flickered silently until it came to the surface in the pre-Reformation movement known as Hussitism in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.