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(Plants) any of the deciduous shrub species in the witch-hazel family. Also called: witch alder
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.fothergilla - any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn colorfothergilla - any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color; grows from Alabama to the Allegheny Mountains
genus Fothergilla, Fothergilla - small genus of deciduous shrubs of the southeastern United States
bush, shrub - a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
2.Fothergilla - small genus of deciduous shrubs of the southeastern United States
plant genus - a genus of plants
family Hamamelidaceae, Hamamelidaceae, witch-hazel family - comprises genera Hamamelis, Corylopsis, Fothergilla, Liquidambar, Parrotia, and other small genera
fothergilla, witch alder - any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color; grows from Alabama to the Allegheny Mountains
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Also at his home he has planted a woodland border with snowdrops and his preferred snowflake, Hellebores, Fritillarias, Fothergilla major, Meconopsis cookii, Cypripedium and Cardiocrinum giganteum.
Dwarf Fothergilla is a good choice for gardens in full sun or part shade.
Commonly known as American wych hazel, Fothergilla major is a large shrub with excellent seasonal interest.
Then something more to scale and more realistic for a small garden would be fothergilla monticola, which is a relative of hazels and witch hazels.
Here, in the Okanagan Highlands, numerous groups of animals and plants make their first appearances in the fossil record; for example, genera such as hazel (Corylus) and hornbeam (Carpinus) in the birch family (Betulaceae); the oldest known service-berry (Amelanchier), snow-wreath (Neviusia), and cherry (Prunus) in the rose family (Rosaceae); winter-hazel (Corylopsis) and witch-alder (Fothergilla) in the witchhazel family (Hamamelidaceae); and beech (Fagus) in the beech family (Fagaceae) (e.g.
Fothergilla major or witch alder is a superb small to medium-sized shrub covered with clusters of scented creamy-white spiky flowers early in the year.
Then tuck shrubs on either side for seasonal interest--blue hydrangeas for summer bloom, Fothergilla for orange fall foliage, and a redtwig dogwood for winter color.
Excuses as to why the 30 Viburnum nudum 'Winterthur' or 50 Fothergilla gardenii 'Mt.
A Among my favourites are witch hazel (hamamelis), fothergilla, euonymus alata and many of the small cherry and rowan trees.
europaeus (spindle tree), deciduous berberis species, hamamelis (witch hazel), vaccinium (blue berries), rhus typhina (stag's horn sumach), fothergilla (witch alder) and cotoneaster horizontalis.
Upon closer examination, you realize it is fothergilla (Fothergilla major).
Seek out the redvein enkianthus, the sourwood, witchhazels, named cultivars of Japanese Maples, Smokebush, Fothergilla, Tiger Eyes Sumac and the leaf color change noted in rhododendrons, azaleas, blueberry bushes and dozens of other plants.