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vb (intr) , pl floreant
may (a person, institution, etc) flourish: floreat Oxonia!.
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BF Ci BOOZE BUSTER 4 Floreat - therapeutic wine Claim: A sparkling wine that improves your hair, skin and nails with a range of infused herbs that also lower stress levels.
Several readers in Shropshire quoted their county motto "Floreat Salopia" ("This margarine tastes of soap") as proof.
When the scheme was first proposed, the bus depot was to be moved to make way for primary free school Floreat Brentford, but getwestlondon understands the school is now planning to build on land in Layton Road instead.
This experiment was conducted in an evaporatively cooled, natural-light glasshouse at CSIRO, Floreat Park, WA, Australia (31[degrees]95'S, 115[degrees]79'E) during the 2014 growing season (May--November).
Reeve is spending part of the summer in England during the close season in Australia where he coaches Subiaco Floreat in Perth's western suburbs.
Shropshire Housing Group provides new homes for sale and shared ownership through Floreat Development Ltd.
For six centuries Durham School's motto has been 'Floreat Dunelmia' - may Durham School flourish.
1:54 brought together three people deeply engaged in the art world to discuss the fair: Hussam Otaibi, managing partner of Floreat Group, the main sponsor of the fair and founder of Modern Forms: Laetitia Catoir, director at Blain|Southern, and part of the 1:54 Artistic Committee; and Nick Hackworth, director of Modern Forms.
Logan is the first female head of Glenalmond in the school's history, which dates back to 1847 when founder WE Gladstone coined the motto Floreat Glenalmond ("Let Glenalmond Flourish").
As well as chairing the British Transport Police Authority and joining international communications firm Hume Brophy, Ms McVey has also accepted roles with independent private investment office the Floreat Group as a special advisor and with two universities.