cottage hospital

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cottage hospital

(Medicine) Brit a small rural hospital
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

cottage hospital

nospedale m di campagna
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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General manager for the team, Graham Abrines, has promised that no existing patient within Moffat Cottage Hospital will be affected by the move.
During World War I, the house was one of two cottage hospitals in Bangor, called Penrhyn Cottage Hospital and was used for gassed and wounded troops back from the trenches in France.
While briefing Press Men in Yola, the Director, DSS in the State Mr Bola Olori said they effected the arrest of Ibrahim who operated illegally as the principal officer of Fofure cottage Hospital perfected the illicit act while serving as a ward attendant in many Hospitals of Gombe state.
Now volunteers are preparing to hit the town with leaflets in a bid to ensure that everyone knows the service has moved to the former Cottage Hospital in Trimpley and is part of the Our Space community centre.
New Kimilili Medical Clinic and Crystal Cottage Hospital and Medical clinic have five patients each while North Kinangop Catholic Hospital has three and Kagio Nursing Home one.
Staff from the Tesco Extra store put their spades and wheelbarrows to good use as they spruced up the grounds at Bwthyn Cottage Hospital.
The panel, which is made up of healthcare experts, will assess the cottage hospital's case and offer advice to the Secretary of State, who retains the final decision.
The five-year-old boy died at the Nanyuki Cottage Hospital and was being treated for pneumonia, his dad said.
The move prompted fury among some residents, who set up the "Save Rothbury Cottage Hospital" campaign group and a petition, which has been signed by almost 900 people.
Last Saturday, 2,000 people took to the streets of Drogheda, Co Louth, to protest against the closure of the Cottage Hospital, which provides crucial respite for senior citizens.
North Ormesby Hospital - the first cottage hospital in the country when it was set up in the 1860s - was demolished in 1982.