

(Law) a fellow trustee
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A graduate of the New College of California poetics program, where she was a student of Robert Duncan's, she is cotrustee of the Jess Collins Trust, which has overseen the publication of The Collected Writings of Robert Duncan at the University of California Press.
Yukio Sakamoto, cotrustee of Elpida, said in the statement that Micron's sponsorship would allow for the stable payment of creditor claims and was "a strong testament to the value of Elpida's technologies, products and people." The deals need the approval of Elpida's creditors, the Tokyo District Court and other antitrust agencies.
(14) If the donee uses or threatens to use the charitable gift in a manner contrary to its stated terms or purpose, state law generally empowers the state attorney general; a party with a "special interest" in the enforcement of the gift; a cotrustee or codirector; and, in a few jurisdictions, the donor to sue the donee for a breach of its fiduciary duties.
may not delegate to a cotrustee the performance of a function the
Under both alternative methods of reporting, unless the trustee or cotrustee is also the only grantor or other person treated as an owner of the trust, the final regulations require the trustee to furnish each grantor or other person with a statement that:
Major disadvantages of revocable trusts are the initial expense of creating them, the annual costs often incurred to prepare fiduciary income tax returns (required unless the grantor also serves as trustee or cotrustee) and the cost of holding title to trust property in the name of a trustee or nominee.
The successor or the surviving cotrustee can do all the right things, including the transfer of marketable title to the right people, without most of the hassles, delays and possible publicity of probate.
[section]736.0703(5) provides that a cotrustee may not delegate to another co-trustee the performance of a function a settlor reasonable expected the co-trustees to perform jointly.
This issue had also been considered on the Malaysia sukuk; the solution there was for the issuer to appoint an independent third party to act as a cotrustee with the same rights and obligations as the issuer in its capacity as trustee.
in the resource, it is a cotrustee along with the states.
(10) The court distinguished cases where merger had been applied, reasoning that in those cases there was not a demonstrated "intention that the trust continue after the death of the sole beneficiary's cotrustee," and instead held that "[t]he doctrine of merger is not to be applied 'with rigidity,' and, where it appears to have been the intention of the settlor ...