cottage country

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cottage country

Canadian any lakeside region where many country cottages are located
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Second home landscapes, often oriented around a body of water (or other rural amenity) and located outside of major urban centres, are referred to as "cottage country."As Luka (2010, p.
"No Quarter" is intense and gripping novel from an author with a well honed gift for narrative driven storytelling, John Jantunen's "No Quarter" is a riveting and original story of violence played out against the bucolic and picturesque background of northern Ontario's cottage country. While especially and unreservedly recommended for community library Contemporary General Fiction collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "No Quarter" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $10.33).
Along with many local businesses, his clients include the Bank of Nova Scotia, Victory Credit Union, and Cottage Country and its related companies.
In the summer, you feel like you're away; it's like cottage country. It's beautiful up here.
Struggling to leave his adolescence behind, Paul rides his new moped "up north" to the Laurentian cottage country of Quebec where he makes new friends.
This summer, her work with young artists took her from Highlands Opera Studio in Ontario's Haliburton cottage country to summer intensive sessions at Dalhousie and Mount Allison Universities.
Join author / illustrator Kellen Hatanaka on a summer road trip from the city to cottage country! Not only is the urban and rural scenery visually stimulating, but the reader is also led to spot many examples of opposites in a most creative manner.
Cottage Country Building Supplies is the newest dealer to join Castle Building Centres Group Ltd.
Fourteen years ago, David Robertson of Delta, British Columbia was holidaying in Ontario when he stopped at a small antique shop in the community of Bala, two hours north of Toronto in cottage country. An unsigned 1912 oil painting caught his attention.
Well, a chance trip to what's called cottage country in September with friends Cherri and David saw us having a nosy around local estate agents and happening upon a lakeside log home about to go to auction.
Well, a chance trip to what's called cottage country in September with friends Cherri and David saw us having a nosy around local estate agents (or realtors as they're known there) and happening upon a lakeside log home that was just about to go to auction.