brand leader

Also found in: Financial.

brand leader

(Commerce) marketing a product with the highest number of total sales within its category
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Walter Thompson: brand leader at TBWA\London; and regional director at Saatchi & Saatchi.
Macedonia's Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism received this year's Brand Leader Award at the 8th business conference "South East Europe Tourism--SEET2018" in Belgrade in which over 400 representatives of national and local tourism organizations, companies and institutions from the region, the EU, Russia, China, Turkey and Iran took part.
The new SGP Brand Leader program is picking up momentum with print buyers such as REI, Macy's, Sears Holdings and others recently becoming partners in the SGP community.
Prior to serving MSD as its acting vice president, global brand leader anti-infective portfolio, he was vice president, international marketing for the anti-infectives portfolio at Cubist Pharmaceuticals.
Mike Opperman joins Farm Journal Media (FJM) as MILK Editor and brand leader. He will also serve as the Editorial Dir for all FJM dairy offerings.
"As a market debut for Starwood and Sheraton, Romania symbolizes an important expansion opportunity while also putting Sheraton one step closer to its goal of opening more than 150 new hotels over the next five years," said Dave Marr, Global Brand Leader, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts.
"Travel broadens a child's perspective of the world, expanding inherently curious and creative-minds," said Brian Povinelli, Senior Vice President, Global Brand Leader for Le MEa[c]ridien and Westin in a statement.
This issue is complicated by the ever increasing number of the brands of drugs with differing rates and claim of equal potency to that of the brand leader. Even the most advanced and economically strong countries are facing this difficult situation and devising plans to address this issue.
Starwood veteran Dave Marr has been appointed global brand leader, Sheraton and Tribute Portfolio.
Mike Parsons, founder and former chief executive of Barchester Healthcare, was a keynote speaker at the recent meeting of the Wrexham Business Professionals where he shared some of the secrets of his phenomenal achievement of transforming just one small care home into a PS1bn brand leader.
We are looking forward to developing the growing interest in Sunderland AFC, both domestically and internationally with Adidas, a brand leader in world football."