brand awareness

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Related to brand awareness: Brand equity

brand awareness

(Marketing) marketing the extent to which consumers are aware of a particular product or service
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This alliance provides BFY Capital customers a competitive advantage with a direct connection to the industry's first influencer marketing solution to increase brand awareness and brand loyalty.
In fact, social media channels have traditionally been used for brand awareness and perception.
She will be responsible for managing Crest's philanthropic involvement and brand awareness.
81% of respondents stated brand awareness was very/extremely important.
This model proposes that brand loyalty is formed through three factors, including brand awareness, brand associations, and perceived quality (Aaker, 1991).
Due to the increasing brand awareness and high disposable income of people (especially among young adults), the luxury pens market is witnessing a decent growth.
UPTICK IN BRAND AWARENESS: Baird analyst Colin Sebastian said in pre-market opening research note that his survey of Internet users shows a "significant uptick" in Carvana's brand awareness since late 2017, at levels well below national dealers.
The company expects the name change to positively impact the guest trial and brand awareness.
In addition to increased brand awareness and perception, pre- and post-campaign surveys identified the most sought-after category attributes for those consumers who were most engaged in the category, and those learnings are being applied toward new media campaigns across print, digital, mobile and social.
According to research done by the University of Oxford and Said Business School, social media advertising helps in brand awareness and association among audiences, especially in the long run.