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Noun1.Branchiostomidae - lanceletsBranchiostomidae - lancelets        
chordate family - any family in the phylum Chordata
genus Amphioxus - type genus of the Amphioxidae
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References in periodicals archive ?
PHYLUM/class York river ([dagger]) ANNELIDA Polychaeta Spionidae Capitellidae Nereidae Orbiniidae Glyceridae Ampharetidae Maldanidae Cirratulidae Pectinariidae Phyllodocidae ARTHROPODA Malacostraca Gammaridae Corophiidae Idoteidae Hippolytidae CHORDATA Leptocardii Branchiostomidae MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Retusidae Atyidae Pyramidellidae Bivalvia Tellinidae NEMERTEA Lineidae Phoronida Delaware Bay ([double dagger]) ANNELIDA Polychaeta Nereidae Spionidae Unidentified ARTHROPODA Amphipoda Gammaridae Crustacea Pinnotheridae Gastropoda Nassariidae Others Mixed microbenthos Oyster Bay ([section]) ARTHROPODA Crustacea Panopeidae MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Nassariidae PORIFERA Demospongiae Microcionidae PHYLUM/class Common name Totalno.
armillaris NR NR X Adult Trypanosyllis NR NR X Adult parvidentata Family Terebellidae NR X X Larva Family Trichobranchidae NR X X Larva Phylum Chordata Subphylum Cephalochordata NR X NR Family Branchiostomidae NR X NR Branchiostoma sp.
De acuerdo a Poss & Boschung (1996) este es el nombre correcto para la familia, pero otros autores la refieren erroneamente como Branchiostomidae (Gill, 1893; Kirkaldy, 1895; Bigelow & Farfante, 1948; Parker & Haswell, 1987; Cameron, 2009).