block sampling

block sampling

(Statistics) the selection of a corpus for statistical literary analysis by random selection of a starting point and consideration of the continuous passage following it. Compare spread sampling
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Due to nonstationary statistical characteristics of nature image, the block sampling rate varies with the texture contrast, introducing difficulties in controlling the bit rate.
After determining the block sampling rate by (11), we assign some high-texture blocks to excessive CS samples, bringing a high-quality recovery of texture region.
With block sampling number [M.sub.i], which reveals the distribution of block texture contrast, we derive the estimator of block texture contrast from (11) as follows:
Block sampling: This takes the selection process one step further and focuses the sample on one or multiple time periods (blocks) of transactions.
The aerial survey design adopted stratified block sampling protocol following standard procedures [1, 3, 18, 50, 51].
The consistency of distribution results, coupled with the results of the extensive number of lemon shark acoustic telemetry studies conducted in the survey area, indicates that the stratified block sampling design provided a representative subsample of the total lemon shark abundance.
After discussion, we finally agreed on the "block sampling" method of testing, which entailed a three-month block test for accounts payable and accounts receivable, with the exception of procurement cards, fixed assets, and reconciliations.
The three most common methods of testing are (1) a detailed examination, (2) block sampling, and (3) statistical sampling.
Block Sampling. When the auditor chooses to use the block-sampling technique, they select a group, or "block," of transactions that took place over a specified time period.
As the name "hybrid" indicates, these procedures permit the use of both statistical and block sampling techniques.